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- Application Form Redacted
- Climate Change Checklist
- Planning, DAS and Heritage Statement August 2023
- Appendix A to Planning DAS and Heritage Statement (DAS submitted with ref. 22/03071/FUL)
- Appendix D - Rebuttal statement viability by Everard Cole
- Appendix B Viability Report Christie & CO
- Appendix C Independent Viability Assessment prepared by Everard Cole
- Marketing Report 2019 FINAL (sub. on 20.03.2024)
- Sales Details 2019 - Fox and Hounds
- Additional information - marketing
- Susan Ozimkowski
- Jan Ozimkowski
- Oliver
- Jonathan Wicks
- Luke Harding
- Paul Riley
- John Baldwyn
- Jennifer Mary Henderson
- Serena rogers
- Martin Jones
- Richard Butt
- Dr Caroline Bonwitt
- Alastair Fyvie
- Isobel Murphy
- Keith Murphy
- David Hamer
- John Henderson
- Martyn Kitson
- Mr Julian Mathias
- Richard Goodman
- Matthew Turvey
- Michael James moore
- Linda
- Charles Pearmain
- Clive Lockton
- Robert Pickles
- Heather Holmes
- Sal Pickles
- Naomi Cavendish
- Keith Thompson
- Lily James
- Georgia Arnold
- Mark Thompson
- Sarah Brittain-Jones
- jo trice-rolph
- Imogen Joss
- Kiki Kowalski
- Alison MIlls
- Catherine Jaffrey
- Roger Wood
- Mrs. J. Gregory
- Dora Leonard
- Valerie Ward
- Joanna Povey
- Peter Huntley
- Janette Barton-Huntley
- John Castle
- David Gardner
- Stewart William Lunn
- John Smith
- Sara Billins
- Simon Parker
- brig robert wolverson
- Julie Balhatchet
- Andrew Mustoe
- Nick Rew
- Richard Vaughan-Davies
- Suzanne Osborne
- mr ian jeffcock
- Sheldon Kenton
- Geoffrey Allen Shuttleworth
- Bernie van Helden
- James van Helden
- John Riley
- Betina Goodall
- Lucille Young
- Mary Holland
- Gabrielle Duck
- Stephen Duck
- eleanor duck
- Lindsey Duck
- Sue Rew
- Kayty Nash
- Mark Saunders
- Laura Baskeyfield
- Michelle Spearing
- alex Nash
- Antoinette nash
- Pearle Nash
- Roisin Brown
- Petra Postlethwaite
- alex thomason
- John Davies
- Katherine Watson
- Anthea Lycett
- Tom Baker
- Jane Baker
- Christopher Baker
- Susan Crossland
- David James
- Andy Le Huray
- Donna smith
- Katie Taylor Restell
- christopher horne
- Jessica
- Noel Nickerson
- Tony Williams
- C Fieldhouse
- Andrew Mulcahy
- Richard Derrington
- Adam Harrison Jones
- Helen Drinkwater
- Roland Seddon
- Elizabeth Everett
- Graham Franklin
- Linda James
- D.H.Player
- Marcus Postlethwaite
- Mrs L.M.Player
- Dawn Shuttleworth
- Rosemarie Graham
- Sandra Duck
- Rex Duck
- Natalie Hancock
- James Sargeant
- Peter Riley
- Colin Walklin
- Neil and Shirley Wilson
- Andrew Birtwell
- Martin Mckenna
- Jennifer Green
- Deborah Wolverson
- Dan Pickles
- Emily Rogers
- Ann Mckenna
- Michael Ullmer
- Saly Johnson
- Mrs Patricia E A Bryan
- Sarah Bullwinkel
- Nick Semenenko
- Roy Behnke
- Lesley Semenenko
- Chris Mathias
- Janet Pope
- john briggs
- William Byrd
- Louise & Paul Adams
- Annabel Briggs
- Roger Smith
- Peter Mathias
- Claire Mathias
- Len Kevork Nersessian Ronsaen
- Susan Bennett
- Helen Seymour-Smith
- Christian Elwes
- Jill Hunter
- mark anthony
- Annabel Pearson
- David Pearson
- Haydn Jones
- Jennifer Green
- Martin MacHugh
- Pippa Lines
- Rebecca Smith
- Amy Harmon
- Mr A McGreevy
- Simon Kirby
- Marie Crossland
- Ed Crossland
- Joanna Riley
- Colin Ablewhite
- Stephen Cornford
- Richard Young
- Amanda anthony
- Valerie Harford
- Rosemarie Graham
- Elizabeth Hunter
- Carly Brownlee
- Ellie Walsh
- Shona Anderson
- Gillian Ablewhite
- Roxxie Blackham
- Emily Majzub
- Julian Majzub
- Mr A F Semenenko
- Karen young
- Emma Shuttleworth
- Carol Kerven
- Patricia Wimmer
- David Wimmer
- HP
- Ivan Semenenko
- Trevor Woskett
- Sarah Franklin
- Paul Bollard
- Jonathan Watson
- Hilary MacDonald
- Kimberley Gaston
- Kelly Smith
- Elaine Luker
- Simon Paton
- Lynn Mathias
- james Coker
- Dr Peter A Wilson
- Tracey Studer
- Ian B. Sloan FRICS
- Mandy Ryder
- Carmen Coggins
- Joanna watson
- Sian Smith
- Thomas wrench
- Tabitha Paton-Durrant
- Sophie Green
- Ian B Sloan FRICS
- Russell Green
- Mark L Davies
- Tracey Cook
- James Hayman-Joyce
- Graham Roberts
- Marilyn Roberts
- John Lindlar
- Alis Roberts
- Tom Gardner
- Helen cooper
- Alan Holmes
- Rupert Firkins
- Annabelle Jones
- Pat Mannakee
- rebecca mawle
- james flanagan
- Alexander Walsh
- Lucy Gofton
- Wendy Rendall
- Andrew R.C. Noble
- Peter Meecham
- Karen Jackson
- Nicholas Hillary-Tee
- Bernard & Joanna Cook
- Yvonne Young
- Mrs Karen Baldwin
- Karen young
- Christopher Carroll
- Jane Rose
- Janet Yvonne Knight
- Georgina Stephens
- Vanessa Mortimore
- Jonathan Lear
- Dr Jill Barling
- Carolyn Yarnold
- Sharon Arnsby-Wilson
- Gary White
- Glen Leighton
- Andrew Lee
- The Wolfords Pub Campaign
- Diana watson
- Nicole Marina
- Colin Maxwell
- Christopher Gallagher
- Deborah McGreevy
- J. Veasey
- Sarah Constable
- Mahil
- Liz Humphreys
- Rhian Zielinski
- Tom Zielinski
- Liam
- Julie Young
- Alice Illidge
- Sam Crofts
- Alastair Fyvie
- Gareth Epps
- Alastair Fyvie
- Ivan Semenenko
- Iona Wibberley
- Lesley Holmes
- Tim Newcombe
- Save the Fox and Hounds Campaign
- Simon Bell rec. 18.03.2024
- Mr J Wicks
- lesley Holmes
- David Hamer
- Isobel Murphy
- Mrs G Leighton
- Peter Godfrey
- Gwen Godfrey
- Emily Wenman
- James Gordon-Cumming
- Jonathan Lear & Dr Jill Barling
- Tom Baker
- Jane Baker
- David Kelley
- Abigail Evans
- John Riley
- Lionel Goodman
- Geoffrey Shuttleworth
- Roger Smith
- George Hankinson
- C H Mathias
- Helen Drinkwater
- Lydia Quine
- James Bone
- David Farman
- Amy Harmon
- Liam Harmon
- Jon Large
- Simon Bell Representation to SDC 140524
- Sarah Constable
- Julie Young
- Alice Illidge
- Grace Illidge
- Wolford Pub Campaign 13.05.24
- James van Helden 15.05.24
- WCC Highways
- Ecology Team
- Streetscene
- Severn Trent
- Cllr Sarah Whalley-Hoggins
- Parish Council Consultation Appendix A
- Parish Council Consultation - Morgan & Clarke Viability Report
- Parish Council Consultation - Morgan & Clarke Viability Report Appendices
- Environmental Health
- SDC Conservation
- SDC Policy
- Cllr Sarah Whalley-Hoggins
- Conservation
- WCC Environment,Planning and transport
- Morgan Clarke - Save the Fox Hounds Pub - Report Addendum - The Fox Hounds (7661)
- The Wolfords Joint Parish Council Objection-23-01922-FUL
- WCC Highway Authority 14.05.24
- Wolford Parish Council Further Submission.
