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- Application Form Redacted
- Environmental Noise Survey ref 16064B-1
- Design Statement & Statement of Community Engagement Phase 2d A4b v1
- Summary Note (Response to Comments Oct 22)
- Covering Letter (Rec d 12.1.23) JT Gaydon RM Parcel A4b Accompanying letter V1
- Designers Response to Comments 20.04.23 (Rec d 26.4.23)
- Agent email 26.4.23 amendments
- Agent email 3.5.23 + Revised Noise Report + Comments
- Noise Report 16064B-1-R1 dated 14 April 2023 Rec d 3.5.23
- SUPERSEDED 16064B-2-R2 - Noise.co.uk Technical Memo - A4B Kingston Grange - dated 27.6.23 (Rec d 3.7.23)
- Crestwood Advice Note 1 (FN01) - Arboricultural Method Statements for road construction and services excavations (Rec d 3.7.23)
- Designers Response to May comments June 2023 (Rec d 3.7.23)
- 16064B-2-R2 - Technical Memo 10 July 2023 - A4B Kingston Grange - JS - 230710 (Rec d 13.7.23)
- 16064B-2-R3 - Technical Memo 26.7.23 - A4B Noise (Rec d 26.7.23)
- 16064B-3 - Technical Memo - A4B Kingston Grange - JS - 230911 (received 12.9.23)
- Valiant 2 Sustainability Statement rev a (Rec d 15.11.23)
- Covering Letter
- Application Form Redacted
- Drawing No. 3744 BRACKET Rev. A.2 Bracket Plan
- Drawing No. 7680 - 55 Rev. A.1 Bracket 55 Plan
- Drawing No. 8889 Rev. A.5 1525mm x 760m GRP Lean To Trussed Canopy Plan
- Drawing No. 090702 Rev. A.1 2000mm x 760mm Lean To Trussed Plan
- Drawing No. 1211105 Rev. A.3 FT1650 x 521mm Door Canopy Plan
- Drawing No. 2008045 Rev. A.2 Apex Trussed Door Canopy Plan
- Drawing No. EM-EC21-07 01 External Comp s 07 Porch Canopies Plan
- Drawing No. 080801 Rev. A.3665 x 665mm One Pot Brick Slip SmartStack Chimney Plan
- Drawing No. EM-EC21-07 32 A External Compp s 07 Apex Roof Dormer Construction Details Plan
- Drawing No. EM-RF21-06 04 B Roofs 06 30 Clipped Eaves and Verge 300mm Cavity Wall, Houses
- Drawing No. EM-RF21-06 07 B Roofs 06 30 Boxed Eaves and Verge-Raised Tie 300mm Cavity Wall, Houses Plan
- Drawing No. EM-RF21-06 40 C Roofs 06 Gable and Verge Detail
- DISCN/00245/24 Decision Notice
- 19002 - Kingston Grange Parcel A4b LLFA Technical Note (Rec d 31.7.23)
- STW Charges for sewer adoption (4.5.23)
- A4-102 B - Section 104 Layout (Rec d 31.7.23)
- A4-108A - Flood Route Plan (Rec d 31.7.23)
- A4-702A - Private Drainage - Sheet2 (Rec d 31.7.23)
- MI-107H S104 Drainage Layout - Sheet 3 (Rec d 31.7.23)
- MI-124B Flood Route Plan - Sheet 2 (Rec d 31.7.23)
- A4-701B - Private Drainage - Sheet1 (Rec d 4.8.23)
- A4b-1D Preliminary Finished Floor Levels and Drainage Strategy (Rec d 11.8.23)
- Highway Authority issues - 221209 Designers Response (A4b of Phase 2D) (TB)
- 17066-A4-007D - Visitors Parking Plan (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-A4-008D - Highways Annotation Plan (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-A4-014D - Bus Stop Distance Plan (Rec d 26.4.23)
- A4b-8A Vehicle Tracking - Home Delivery Vehicle NEW (Rec d 11.5.23)
- Crestwood Advice Note 1 (FN01) - Arboricultural Method Statements for road construction and services excavations (Rec d 3.7.23)
- 20145_CP_001 B Services Overlay Post Construction (Rec d 3.7.23)
- A4b-2D Adoption and Visibilty Plan (Rec d 11.8.23)
- A4b-3C Vehicle Tracking - Refuse Vehicle (Rec d 11.8.23)
- A4b-4D Vehicle Tracking - Fire Appliance (Rec d 11.8.23)
- A4b-5D Vehicle Tracking - MPV (Rec d 11.8.23)
- A4b-6 Road and Sewer Long Sections (Rec d 11.8.23)
- A4b-7 Highway Construction Details (Rec d 11.8.23)
- Designers Response to 28.7.23 Highway Comments - 23-00006-REM (Rec d 11.8.23)
- 19002 a4b rsa stage 2 designer response 15.09.23
- 17066 - Cycle Store (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-2-PL1 - Type 2 Kingston Lakeside (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-BLA-PL1A - Blackthorn Floor Plans (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-BLA-PL2B - Blackthorn Elevations (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-BLA-PL3A - Blackthorn Elevations (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMA21-PL1-Avonford-Kingston Lakeside (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMA32-PL1B - Brambleford - kingston Lakeside (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMA33-PL1A - Type 3 - Kingston Lakeside (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMA33-PL2A - Type 3 - Kingston Lakeside - Render (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMA34-PL1B - Keeford - Kingston Lakeside (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMA35-PL1A - Tetford - Kingston lakeside (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMA35-PL2A - Tetford - Kingston Lakeside Gable (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMA42-PL3A - Bittesford - Kingston Lakeside (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMA46-PL3A - Rightford - Kingston Lakeside (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMA49-PL1A - Raynford - Floor Plans (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMA49-PL2A - Raynford - Kingston Lakeside Brick (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMA49-PL3A - Raynford - Kingston Lakeside Render (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMAP41-PL1A - Type 4 - Kingston Lakeside (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMB31-PL2A-Harrton-Kingston Lakeside (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMB52-PL1A - Dunnerton - Kingston Lakeside - Floor Plan (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMB52-PL2A - Dunnerton - Kingston Lakeside (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMB52-PL5A - Dunnerton - Kingston Lakeside Render (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMG44-PL1A - Kitham - Kingston Lakeside (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMG44-PL4A - Kitham - Kingston Lakeside Render (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMT31-PL1A - Aynesdale - Kingston Lakeside - Brick (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMT31-PL2B - Aynesdale - Kingston Lakeside Render (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMT41-PL5 - Plumdale Kingston Lakeside (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-GAR-PL1 - Garages (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-HAW-PL1A - Hawthorn Ground Floor (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-HAW-PL2A - Hawthorn First Floor (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-HAW-PL3A - Hawthorn Second Floor (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-HAW-PL4A - Hawthorn - Kingston Lakeside (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-HAW-PL5A - Hawthorn - Kingston Lakeside Elevations (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-HAW-PL8 - Hawthorn - Kingston Lakeside Section (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-EMB31-PL1A - Harrton - Floor Plans[52] (Rec d 2.5.23)
- 17066-MA1-PL1 Maisonette Kingston Lakeside (Rec d 11.5.23)
- 17066-BS-01 Bin Stores (Rec d 3.7.23)
- 17066-GAR-PL2 - Triple Shared Garage (Rec d 3.7.23)
- 17066-EMAP11_12-PL1A - Type 1 Kingston Lakeside
- 17066-A4-SS01A - Parcel A4 Street Scene
- 20145_CP_001 A Services Overlay Post Construction (rec d 26.4.23)
- A4b-1C Preliminary Finished Floor Levels and Drainage Strategy (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-A4-006C - Apartment amenity layout (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-A4-020 - Site Sections (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-A4-302B - Garden Compliance Plan (Rec d 11.5.23)
- LA4484 123D Phase 2 A4 General Arrangement (Rec d 11.8.23)
- LA4484 124D Phase 2 A4 Soft Landscape Proposals (Rec d 11.8.23)
- 17066-A4-301E - Enclosure_Boundary Layout (Rec d 9.11.23)
- Topographical Survey LA4484 124A
- 17066-A4-002D - Character Areas (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-A4-003D - Ridge Heights (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-A4-004D - Accommodation Plan (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-A4-005D - Tenure Layout (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-A4-008D - Highways Annotation Plan (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-A4-013C - Density Plan (Rec d 26.4.23)
- Photo Voltaic Image (Rec d 26.4.23)
- suntech 405w Solar PV (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-A4-012 - Coloured Site Layout REVB (Rec d 11.5.23)
- 20145_CP_001 B Services Overlay Post Construction (Rec d 3.7.23)
- 17066-A4-011F - Bin Carry Distance Layout (Rec d 26.7.23)
- 17066-A4-001H - Site Layout A4b (Rec d 11.8.23)
- 17066-A4-010C - Car Charging Plan (Rec d 15.11.23)
- 17066-A4-300D - Materials (Rec d 15.11.23)
- Bird Brick details EM-AD21-18-20 (Rev -)(Rec d 29.11.23)
- Hedgehog Details EM-AD21-18-21 (Rev -) (Rec d 29.11.23)
- 17066-A4-009D - PV Panel Plan (Rec d 1.12.23)
- Hawthorn cluster of 3 Floor Plans -BG_Arch - HAW PL1
- 17066 - Hawthorn cluster of 3 Floor Plans BG_Arch HAW PL2
- Hawthorn cluster of 3 Floor Plans -BG_Arch - HAW PL3
- Kingston Lakeside Plans & Elevations 17066-2-PL1 - Type 2
- Site Layout parcel A4b (of phase 2D) drg 17066-A4-001
- Character Areas Plan parcel A4b (of phase 2D) drg 17066-A4-002
- Ridge & Storey Heights parcel A4b (of phase 2D) drg 17066-A4-003
- Accommodation Plan parcel A4b (of phase 2D) drg 17066-A4-004
- Site / Tenure Layout parcel A4b (of phase 2D) drg 17066-A4-005
- Apartment Amenity Layout parcel A4b (of phase 2D) drg 17066-A4-006
- Visitors Parking Plan parcel A4b (of phase 2D) drg 17066-A4-007
- Highways Annotation Plan parcel A4b (of phase 2D) drg 17066-A4-008
- PV Panel Plan parcel A4b (of phase 2D) drg 17066-A4-009
- Car Charging Plan parcel A4b (of phase 2D) drg 17066-A4-010
- Bin Carry Distance Layout parcel A4b (of phase 2D) drg 17066-A4-011
- Coloured Site Layout parcel A4b (of phase 2D) drg 17066-A4-012
- Density Plan parcel A4b (of phase 2D) drg 17066-A4-013
- Bus Stop Distance Plan parcel A4b (of phase 2D) drg 17066-A4-014
- Materials Layout parcel A4b (of phase 2D) drg 17066-A4-300
- Enclosures and Boundary Layout parcel A4b (of phase 2D) drg 17066-A4-301
- Garden Compliance Plan parcel A4b (of phase 2D) drg 17066-A4-302
- Street Scene parcel A4 (of phase 2D) drg 17066-A4-SS01
- Blackthorn Floor Plans drg 17066-BLA-PL1
- Blackthorn Front & Side Elevations drg 17066-BLA-PL2A
- Blackthorn Rear & Side Elevations drg 17066-BLA-PL3
- Avonford Floor Plans & Elevations drg 17066-EMA21-PL1
- Brambleford Floor Plans & Elevations drg 17066-EMA32-PL1A
- Harrton Elevations drg 17066-EMB31-PL2A
- Kingston Type 3 Floor Plans & Elevations drg 17066-EMA33-PL1
- Keeford Floor Plans & Elevations drg 17066-EMA34-PL1A
- Tetford Floor Plans & Elevations drg 17066-EMA35-PL1
- Tetford Gable Floor Plans & Elevations drg 17066-EMA35-PL2
- Bittesford Floor Plans & Elevations drg 17066-EMA42-PL3
- Rightford Floor Plans & Elevations drg 17066-EMA46-PL3
- Raynford Floor Plans drg 17066-EMA49-PL1
- Raynford Brick & Elevations drg 17066-EMA49-PL2
- Raynford Render & Elevations drg 17066-EMA49-PL3
- Allstead_Bamstead Type 1 Floor Plans & Elevations drg 17066-EMAP11_12-PL1A
- Witherstead Type 4 Floor Plans & Elevations drg 17066-EMAP41-PL1A
- Dunnerton Floor Plans drg 17066-EMB52-PL1
- Dunnerton Brick & Elevations drg 17066-EMB52-PL2
- Dunnerton Render & Elevations drg 17066-EMB52-PL5
- Kitham Brick Floor Plans & Elevations drg 17066-EMG44-PL1
- Kitham Render Floor Plans & Elevations drg 17066-EMG44-PL4
- Aynesdale Brick Floor Plans & Elevations drg 17066-EMT31-PL1A
- Aynesdale Render Floor Plans & Elevations drg 17066-EMT31-PL2
- Tewksdale Render Floor Plans & Elevations drg 17066-EMT42-PL1A
- Hawthorn Brick Front & Rear Elevations drg 17066-HAW-PL6C
- Hawthorn Side Elevations drg 17066-HAW-PL7C
- Preliminary Finished Floor Levels and Drainage Strategy phase A4b (of phase 2D) drg 19002 A4b-1
- Adoption and Visibilty Plan drg 19002 A4b-2
- Refuse Vehicle Tracking drg 19002 A4b-3
- Fire Appliance Vehicle Tracking drg 19002 A4b-4
- MPV Vehicle Tracking drg 19002 A4b-5
- Preliminary Road and Sewer Long Sections drg 19002 A4b-6
- Highway Construction Details drg 19002 A4b-7
- Cover letter 22.12.22
- LA4484 123A Phase 2 A4 General Arrangement
- 17066-EMA33-PL1 - Type 3 Kingston Lakeside
- Beaford 17066-EMA22(2)-PL1 - Type 2 Kingston Lakeside
- A4b-8 Vehicle Tracking - Home Delivery Vehicle
- 17066-A4-001A - Site Layout A4b
- 17066-A4-002A - Character Areas
- 17066-A4-003A - Ridge Heights
- 17066-A4-004A - Accommodation Plan
- 17066-A4-005A - Tenure Layout
- 17066-A4-007A - Visitors Parking Plan
- 17066-A4-008A - Highways Annotation Plan
- 17066-A4-009A - PV Panel Plan
- 17066-A4-010A - Car Charging Plan
- 17066-A4-011A - Bin Carry Distance Layout
- 17066-A4-012 - Coloured Site Layout
- 17066-A4-013A - Density Plan
- 17066-A4-014A - Bus Stop Distance Plan
- 17066-A4-300A - Materials
- 17066-A4-301A - Enclosures & Boundary Layout
- 17066-A4-302A - Garden Compliance Plan
- A4b-1A Preliminary Finished Floor Levels and Drainage Strategy
- A4b-2A Adoption and Visibilty Plan
- A4b-4A Vehicle Tracking - Fire Appliance
- A4b-5A Vehicle Tracking - MPV
- 20145_CP_001 A Services Overlay Post Construction (Rec d 26.4.23)
- A4b-1C Preliminary Finished Floor Levels and Drainage Strategy (Rec d 26.4.23)
- A4b-2B Adoption and Visibilty Plan (Rec d 26.4.23)
- A4b-3B Vehicle Tracking - Refuse Vehicle (Rec d 26.4.23)
- A4b-4B Vehicle Tracking - Fire Appliance (Rec d 26.4.23)
- A4b-5C Vehicle Tracking - MPV (Rec d 26.4.23)
- A4b-6 Road and Sewer Long Sections (Rec d 26.4.23)
- A4b-7 Highway Construction Details (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-MA1-PL1 - Maisonette - Kingston Lakeside (Rec d 26.4.23)
- LA4484 123C Phase 2 A4 General Arrangement (Rec d 26.4.23)
- LA4484 124C Phase 2 A4 Soft Landscape Proposals (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-A4-001E - Site Layout A4b (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-A4-010B - Car Charging Plan (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-A4-011D - Bin Carry Distance Layout (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-A4-012A - Coloured Site Layout (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-A4-300B - Materials (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-A4-301B - Enclosures & Boundary Layout (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-A4-302A - Garden Compliance Plan (Rec d 26.4.23)
- 17066-A4-001F - Site Layout A4b (Rec d 3.7.23)
- 17066-A4-011E - Bin Carry Distance Layout (Rec d 3.7.23)
- 17066-A4-301C - Enclosures & Boundary Layout (Rec d 3.7.23)
- 17066-A4-001G - Site Layout A4b (Rec d 26.7.23)
- A4-701A - Private Drainage - Sheet1 (Rec d 31.7.23)
- 17066-A4-301D - Enclosure_Boundary Layout (Rec d 11.8.23)