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- Notification of Intended Appeal (1.6.23)
- Appeal Form
- Covering Letter to Planning Inspectorate 17-6-23
- 2b C2 Appeal Documents Checklist FINAL
- UL 2bC2 Justification for Inquiry
- UL 2bC2 Statement of Case FINAL
- PINS to SDC/Agent Appeal Procedure & Missing Documents 29.06.2023
- Confirmation of Valid Appeal (7.8.23)
- Tetlow King 0708-01.RPT.M23 Upper Lighthorne Affordable Housing Appeal Statement 040823 Final[6]
- UL 2bC2 Appeal Statement Appendices_compressed[31]
- UL 2bC2 Appeal Statement FINAL exc Appendices[44]
- Initial Letter from PINS
- PINS Start Date Letter 24.10.23
- Council s Written Statement
- Council s Appendix 1 Affordable Housing Specification-Phase 2b C2 Novemb...
- Council s Appendix 2 YouGov Survey Article Poor housing causing health problems for nearly a third of brits during lockdown
- Council s Appendix 3 ONS Characteristics of homeworkers, Great Britain September 2022 to January 2023
- Council s Appendix 4 Committee Report 12.10.2022 KFF 21-03295-FUL
- Councils Appendix 5 Bath Street Ilkeston Erewash Appeal 7 July 2023
- Council s Appendix 6 Bramley Road Leicester APPEAL DECISION
- Council s Appendix 7 (i) SB32 Apartment (ii) YH50 End (iii) YH50 Mid
- Council s Appendix 8 Annual Review 2022 23
- Council s Appendix 9 Information sheet 5 Year Supply as of March 2023
- Appellants Final Comments
- Council email to PINS 17.1.24 (final rebuttal on new documents)
- PINS email 18.1.24 accepting SDC rebuttal and allowing appellants further rebuttal
- Appeal Decision
- Application Form Redacted
- CIL Form
- Design Statement Phase 2b C2 v3
- Accompanying letter V3 (19.4.22)
- Archaeological Field Evaluation Report May 2022 (Rec d 11.5.22)
- Noise Report 19911A-1-R1 (15 September 2022)
- Road Safety Audit Designers Response Travis Baker SA3611 (22.11.22)
- Plans for Approval List Phase 2b Parcel C2 (Rec d 25.11.22)
- 20.01.22 - Building Regulations Initial Notice 50784824 to Local Authority
- Noise UK Report 16064B-1 (12.12.22)
- Amended Description (agreed 29.4.22)
- Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service 04.05.2022
- Historic England
- Environment Agency 10.05.2022
- WCC Right of Ways
- Natural England
- National Highways Agency
- LLFA 19.5.22
- Upper Lighthorne Parish Council (20.5.22)
- WCC Ecology (23.5.22)
- Warwickshire Police
- SDC Housing Policy 13.6.22
- LLFA 9.6.22
- WCC Highways 4.8.22
- WCC Highways 20.10.22
- WCC Highways 10.1.23
- WCC Highways 17.1.23
- C2-102 - Section 104 Drainage Layout (Rec d 23.5.22)
- C2-108 - Flood Route Plan (Rec d 23.5.22)
- MI-105K S104 Drainage Layout - Sheet 1 (Rec d 23.5.22)
- MI-106H S104 Drainage Layout - Sheet 2 (Rec d 23.5.22)
- MI-107H S104 Drainage Layout - Sheet 3 (Rec d 23.5.22)
- MI-108F S104 Drainage Layout - Sheet 4 (Rec d 23.5.22)
- MI-402B Drainage Construction Detail - Flow Control - Sheet 1 (Rec d 23.5.22)
- MI-403B Drainage Construction Detail - Flow Control - Sheet 2
- MI-410B Pond Section Detail - Sheet 1 (Rec d 23.5.22)
- MI-411B Pond Section Detail - Sheet 2 (Rec d 23.5.22)
- C2-1H Preliminary Finished Floor Levels and Drainage Strategy
- C2-6 Highway Construction Details
- Highways Letter with applicants Comments 22.8.22
- BWA17 PL102D Site Layout Parcel C2 Mark Up2 for Highways comments
- Stage 1/2 Road Safety Audit (May 2022) SA3611 DWTW Kingston Grange C2 A4 A3 B3 B4 B5 B6 A5 A6 Upper Lighthorne S38 RSA1and2 Report dg[4]
- C2-4C Road and Sewer Long Sections - Sheet 1
- C2-5C Road and Sewer Long Sections - Sheet 2
- Waterman Waspen email 21.11.22 re: Plot 159
- Road Safety Audit Designers Response Travis Baker SA3611 (22.11.22) (QF339)
- Watermans SA3611 Stage 1/2 RSA REVISION 3 (14.11.22)
- C2-2G Adoption and Visibility Plan
- C2-3-1F Vehicle Tracking - Refuse Vehicle
- C2-3-2A Vehicle Tracking - Fire Applicance
- C2-3-3A Vehicle Tracking - MPV
- C2-3-4A Vehicle Tracking - Home Delivery Vehicle
- BWA01 - PL452 P204 Floor and Elevation
- BWA01 PL454 P341 - Hadley
- BWA01 - PL455 - T322 Greenwood
- BWA01-PL456 T310 Kennett
- BWA01 - PLK457 H470 - Hertford
- BWA01 - PL458 H486 - Hollinwood
- BWA01 - PL459 H406 - Baywater
- BWA01 - PL460 - SH50 House Type
- BWA01 - PL461 SH55 House Type
- BWA01 - PL463 SH69 House Type End
- BWA17PL600 - H418 Exeter
- BWA17 PL602 - H500 Emerson
- BWA17 PL603 - P382 Archford Mid
- BWA17 PL604 - P470 Hereford
- BWA17 PL605 - SH50 Mid
- BWA17PL606 - SH52 End
- BWA17 PL607 - SH54 End
- BWA17 PL608A - T322 Greenwood Mid
- BWA26 PL602 - P382 Archford
- BWA26 PL603 - H442 Kirkdale
- BWA26 PL614 - H469 Holden
- BWA01 - PL452 P204 - Wilford Mid
- BWA01 - PL480 - Garages Type 1 - LSG1H8
- BWA01 - PL481 - Garages Type 2 - LDG2H8
- BWA17 PL702A - Garages Type 3 - LDG1H8
- BWA01 - PL453A P204 - Wilford End
- BWA17 PL500E Street Scenes A and B - Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL673 SB32 Apartment (A.M.H)
- Slip Smart Stack Chimney details 080801 Rev A.3
- Smart Stack Chimney details 1810053 Rev A.1
- BWA17 - PL701A - Bin and Cycle Store (Rec d 2.2.23)
- BWA17 - PL505 - Parcel C2 Site Section 1
- BWA17 - PL506 - Parcel C2 Site Section 2
- BWA17 - PL507 - Parcel C2 Site Section 3
- BWA17 PL202G Materials and Boundaries Plan Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL402G Garden Compliance Plan Parcel C2
- C2-1H Preliminary Finished Floor Levels and Drainage Strategy
- LA4484 129F - Detailed Planting Plan C2 (Rec d 16.1.23)
- BWA17 PL102.1 Site Layout Parcel C2 Dimensions Plan
- BWA17 PL202G Materials and Boundaries Plan Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL302G Ridge Heights Plan Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL802E Car Charging Plan Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL902G Tenure Plan Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL102J Site Layout Parcel C2 (Rec d 2.2.23)
- BWA17 PL912F Bin CollectionPlan Parcel C2 (Rec d 2.2.23)
- BWA17 WD002G External Works Parcel C2 (Rec d 2.2.23)
- BWA01 - PL450 SB32 Floor and Elevation
- BWA01 - PL453 P204 Elevation, Floor Plan
- BWA01 - PL453 P204 - Wilford End
- BWA17 PL102B Site Layout Parcel C2 - Tree Constraints Plan Overlay
- BWA17 PL102B Site Layout Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL202B Materials and Boundaries Plan Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL302B Ridge Heights Plan Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL402B Garden Compliance Plan Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL500B Street Scenes A and B - Parcel C2
- C2-1B Preliminary Finished Floor Levels and Drainage Strategy
- C2-2C Adoption and Visibility Plan
- C2-3B Vehicle Tracking - Refuse and MPV
- C2-4A Road and Sewer Long Sections - Sheet 1
- C2-4A Road and Sewer Long Sections - Sheet 1
- C2-5A Road and Sewer Long Sections - Sheet 2
- C2-5A Road and Sewer Long Sections - Sheet 2
- LA4484 129A - Detailed Planting Plan - Phase C2
- BWA17 - PL701 - Bin and Cycle Store
- BWA17 PL102D Site Layout Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL202D Materials and Boundaries Plan Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL302D Ridge Heights Plan Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL402D Garden Compliance Plan Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL500D Street Scenes A and B - Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL802B Car Charging Plan Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL902C Tenure Plan Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL912B Bin CollectionPlan Parcel C2
- BWA17 WD002B External Works Parcel C2
- C2-1C Preliminary Finished Floor Levels and Drainage Strategy
- C2-2D Adoption and Visibility Plan
- C2-3C Vehicle Tracking - Refuse and MPV
- C2-4B Road and Sewer Long Sections - Sheet 1
- C2-5B Road and Sewer Long Sections - Sheet 2
- C2-6 Highway Construction Details
- LA4484 129B - Detailed Planting Plan - Phase C2 (Rec d 14.9.22)
- BWA17 PL102G Site Layout Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL202F Materials and Boundaries Plan Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL302F Ridge Heights Plan Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL402F Garden Compliance Plan Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL802D Car Charging Plan Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL902F Tenure Plan Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL912D Bin CollectionPlan Parcel C2
- C2-1E Preliminary Finished Floor Levels and Drainage Strategy
- C2-2F Adoption and Visibility Plan
- C2-3-1E Vehicle Tracking - Refuse Vehicle
- C2-3-2 Vehicle Tracking - Fire Applicance
- C2-3-3 Vehicle Tracking - MPV
- C2-3-4 Vehicle Tracking - Home Delivery Vehicle
- LA4484 129D - Detailed Planting Plan - Phase C2
- BWA17 WD002C External Works Parcel C2
- C2-3C Vehicle Tracking - Refuse and MPV
- C2-1D Preliminary Finished Floor Levels and Drainage Strategy (Showing garden retaining walls)
- BWA17 PL102H Site Layout Parcel C2
- BWA17 PL912E Bin CollectionPlan Parcel C2
- BWA17 WD002F External Works Parcel C2 (Rec d 16.1.23)