{{ MaintenanceDetail }}
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- ApplicationFormRedacted
- Cotswold Archaelogy - Heritage Statement (final)
- FPCR - Ecological Appraisal (final)
- FPCR - LVIA (final) (Reduced)
- LSL - Planning Statement (final)
- MODE - Stransport Statement (1.1 Main Body
- MODE - Transport Statement (1.3) Appendix E
- MODE - Transport Statement (1.4) Appendices F - J
- Pegasus - Design and Access (final)
- Planning Statement - Appendix#
- RSK - Geophysical Assessment (final) Part 1a
- RSK - Geophysical Assessment (final) Part 2
- RSK - Geophysical Assessment (final) part3
- Stantec - Drainage Assessment (final)
- Wharton - Arboricultural Assessment (final)
- Airfield House - Cover Letter
- Airfield House - Statement of Community Involvement
- Airfirld House CGI
- MODE - Transport Statement (1.2) Appendices A - D (Rotated)
- Air and Acoustics - Air Quality Statement - UPDATED
- Applicants response to Lead Local Flood Authority comments
- Air Quality Damage Calculation - Technical Note - AMENDMENT
- Open Space Calculation - AMENDMENT
- Transport Assessment Addendum - AMENDMENT
- Updated Climate Change Checklist - AMENDMENT
- Updated Contamination Note - AMENDMENT
- Updated Flood Risk Assessment - AMENDMENT
- Updated Arboricultural Report - AMENDMENT
- Biodiversity Impact Assessment Summary - AMENDMENT
- Design and Access Statement Addendum - AMENDMENT
- Updated Cover letter in respect of amended information and additonal information relating to Previously Developed Land - AMENDMENT
- Cotswold Conservation Board
- Stratford-upon-Avon Town Council
- Coventry Airport
- WCC Fire and Rescue Services Water Officer - Racha
- Sports England
- Warwickshire Police
- Willersey Parish Council
- Environment Agency 02.11.2020
- NATS Safeguarding 02.11.2020
- Worcestershire County Council
- Cotswold District Council
- Cllr Manuela Perteghella
- WCC Rights of Way
- Lead Local Flood Authority
- Cllr Edward Fitter
- Bidford-on-Avon PC 10.11.2020
- Waste and Recycling Officer
- Wychavon District Council
- Natural England
- Preston-on-Stour Parish Council
- Highways England
- Warwickshire Police S106 Request
- Quinton Parish Council
- Marston Sicca Parish Council
- SDC Environmental Health
- Historic England
- WCC Ecology 25.11.2020
- NHS South Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group
- Gloucestershire County Council Highways
- South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust
- SDC Development and Policy Enabler Officer
- Lead Local Flood Authority
- WCC Infrastructure Strategy and Commissioning Lead - Education Response
- WCC Infrastructure Strategy and Commissioning Lead - Library Response
- WCC Infrastructure Strategy and Commissioning Lead - List of Path Numbers of Public Rights of Way response - Public Rights of Way within a 1.5 radius of the development site
- WCC Infrastructure Strategy and Commissioning Lead - Public Rights of Way Contribution Request Calculation
- WCC Infrastructure Strategy and Commissioning Lead
- Highways England
- WCC Infrastructure Team
- Environment Agency
- Warwickshire Police
- Ministry of Defence
- Sports England
- OpenReach
- South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust
- Network Rail
- SDC Building Control
- Environment Agency
- WCC Rights of Way
- Health and Safety Executive
- Historic England
- Forestry Commission England
- Honeybourne Parish Council
- Coventry and Warwickshire CCG
- SDC Development and Enabling Officer
- Gloucestershire County Council
- Stratford-upon-Avon Town Council
- Natural England 25.05.2021
- Cotswold Conservation Board
- Historic England
- Warwickshire Police
- Cotswold Conservation Board
- WCC Flood Risk management
- Highways England
- Preston on Stour Parish Council
- WCC Ecology
- SDC Environmental Health
- Highways England
- Marston Sicca Parish Council
- WCC Infrastructure Team
- Quinton Parish Council
- SDC Policy
- WCC Infrastructure Team Education request
- WCC Highways
- Welford on Avon Parish Council
- Ecology
- MODE - Access Arrangement
- P20-1094_02-3A Site Location Plan
- Topographical Plan
- Plan - Access Road - Swept Path Analysis - Refuse Vehicles - AMENDMENT
- Plan - Access Road - Swept Path Analysis Coach Access - School site - AMENDMENT
- Plan - Coach - Turning Area - AMENDMENT
- Plan - Site Layout - Swept Path analysis - Large Car - AMENDMENT
- Plan - Site Layout - Swept Path Analysis Refuse Vehicle - AMENDMENT
- Plan - Site Layout - Swept Path Analysis - Refuse Vehicle - AMENDMENT
- Feasibility Plan - AMENDMENT
- Illustrative Masterplan - AMENDMENT
- Context Plan - AMENDMENT
- Open Space Plan - AMENDMENT
- MODE - Access Arrangement
- Parameters Plan - AMENDMENT
- Demolition Plan - AMENDMENT
- Confirmation of Discharge of Biodiversity from WCC
- Location Plan
- Section 106 Agreement dated 19 August 2021
- Application Form
- Application Form
- Application Form
- Consultation Response - WCC Ecology
- Consultation Response - WCC Ecology
- 71741-D02H Site Layout
- SKM-c550I8031308520 Cover Letter
- 71741-DO8B Tenure Plan
- S106 Form
- 71741-D02H Site Layout
- SKM-c550I8031308520 Cover Letter
- 71741-DO8B Tenure Plan
- Application Form
- S106 Form
- Affordable Housing Specification - Allocations and Lettings Policy
- S106 Application Form
- Affordable Housing Specification letter