{{ MaintenanceDetail }}
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- Heritage Statement
- Landscape Character and Visual Resources - Chapter from 2018 Long Marston Airfield Environmental Assessment (to be read in conjunction with the submitted Landscape Visual Statement)
- Air Quality - Chapter from 2018 Long Marston Airfield Environmental Assessment (to be read in conjunction with the submitted Air Quality Statement
- Geo-environmental and Geotechnical Site Investigation
- Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Checklist
- Construction Method Statement Note
- Construction Method Statement for the LMA 400 Site (14/03579/OUT) to be read in conjunction with the Construction Method Statement Note
- Covering Letter for additional information submitted dated 23 September 2022 - AMENDMENT
- Supplementary Planning Statement - AMENDMENT
- Social Cohesion Statement - AMENDMENT
- Connectivity Statement - AMENDMENT
- Planning Obligations Statement - AMENDMENT
- Air Quality Statement - AMENDMENT
- Ecological Appraisal - AMENDMENT
- Flood Risk Assessment - AMENDMENT
- Open Space Statement - AMENDMENT
- Sustainability Statement - AMENDMENT
- Sustainability Statement - Appendix C -Building Regulations England Part L (BREL) Compliance Report - 1 Bedroom Flat - AMENDMENT
- Sustainability Statement - Appendix C - Building Regulations England Part L (BREL) Compliance Report - 2 Bedroom Maisonette - AMENDMENT
- Sustainability Statement - Appendix C - Building Regulations England Part L (BREL) Compliance Report - Alder House Type - End Terrace - AMENDMENT
- Sustainability Statement - Appendix C - Building Regulations England Part L (BREL) Compliance Report - Alder House Type Mid-Terrace - AMENDMENT
- Sustainability Statement - Appendix C - Building Regulations England Part L (BREL) Compliance Report - Alder House Type Semi-Detached- AMENDMENT
- Sustainability Statement - Appendix C - Building Regulations England Part L (BREL) Compliance Report - 1 Bellflower House Type- AMENDMENT
- Sustainability Statement - Appendix C - Building Regulations England Part L (BREL) Compliance Report - Clover House Type Mid Terrace - AMENDMENT
- Sustainability Statement - Appendix C - Building Regulations England Part L (BREL) Compliance Report - Clover House Type Semi Detached AMENDMENT
- Sustainability Statement - Appendix C - Building Regulations England Part L (BREL) Compliance Report - Everglade House Type- AMENDMENT
- Sustainability Statement - Appendix C - Building Regulations England Part L (BREL) Compliance Report - Gardenia House Type - AMENDMENT
- Sustainability Statement - Appendix C - Building Regulations England Part L (BREL) Compliance Report - Poplar House Type - AMENDMENT
- Sustainability Statement - Appendix C - Building Regulations England Part L (BREL) Compliance Report - Twinberry House Type - - AMENDMENT
- Sustainability Statement - Appendix C - Building Regulations England Part L (BREL) Compliance Report - Walnut House Type- AMENDMENT
- Tree Schedule - AMENDMENT
- Arboricultural Statement and Tree Survey - AMENDMENT
- Design and Access Statement
- Landscape and Visual Appraisal - AMENDMENT
- Parking Schedule - AMENDMENT
- Statement of Community Involvement - AMENDMENT
- Transport Assessment - AMENDMENT
- Transport Assessment Appendices A-B - AMENDMENT
- Transport Assessment Appendices C-J - AMENDMENT
- Updated Application Form 10/11/2022 - AMENDMENT
- EIA Compliance Statement - AMENDMENT
- BiodiversityOffsetting Technical Note - AMENDMENT
- Biodiversity Impact Assessment figures 1-5 - AMENDMENT
- Biodiversity Impact Assessment Figures - AMENDMENT
- Applicants Biodiversity Impact Assessment Covering e-mail - AMENDMENT
- EIA Complaince Statement
- Cotswolds Conservation Board
- Warwickshire Police
- NATS Safeguarding
- Warwickshire Police
- Cadent and National Grid
- Environment Agency
- Wychavon District Council 14.10.2020
- Network Rail 14.10.2020
- Historic England
- Andy Hixon
- Cotswold District Council 19.10.2020
- Cadent Gas 19.10.2020
- Highways England
- Warwickshire Police
- Warwickshire Police Appendix 1
- Warwickshire Police Appendix 2
- Warwickshire Police Appendix 3
- Warwickshire Police Appendix 4
- Natural England
- Weston sub-Edge Parish Council 20.10.2020
- Stratford-upon-Avon Town Council
- WCC Fire and Rescue Services Water Officer - Racha
- WCC Rights of Way
- Lead Local Flood Authority
- Stratford-upon-Avon Town Council
- WCC Ecology 28.10.2020
- Cllr Manuela Perteghella
- Bidford Parish Council
- Welford on Avon Parish Council
- National Grid and Cadent 30.10.2020
- Marston Sicca Parish Council
- South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust
- NHS Consultation Response and Regulation 122 CIL Compliance Statement
- SDC Environmental Health
- NHS South Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group
- Wychavon District Council 23.11.2020
- Waste and Recycling 27.11.2020
- SDC Development and Policy Enabling Officer
- Gloucestershire County Council Highways
- Highways England
- Highways England
- HSE automatic consultation rec d 14.05.21
- Highways England
- SDC Policy Team
- Warwickshire Police
- Environment Agency
- Warwickshire Fire and Rescue
- Ecology
- Stratford-upon-Avon Town Council
- Preston on Stour Parish Council
- Network Rail
- National Highways
- Forestry Commission
- Mickleton Parish Council
- Ministry of Defence
- WCC Fire and Rescue Services Water Officer - Racha
- WCC Rights of Way Team
- Cotswold Conservation Board
- Bidford-on-Avon Parish Council
- Welford on Avon Parish Council
- Cllr Manuela Perteghella
- Clifford Chambers & Milcote Parish Council
- Quinton Parish Council
- SDC Development and Policy Enabler Officer
- WCC Highway Authority 24.01.23
- SDC Waste and Recycling Officer
- Mickleton Parish Council 27/01/23
- WCC Infrastructure Team
- HSE Consultation 1 Feb 2023
- HSE Consultation 2 Feb 2023
- Lead Local Flood Authority
- Topographical and Utility Plan
- Enclosure Details Plan - AMENDMENT
- House Type Pack - AMENDMENT
- Streetscene Plan - AMENDMENT
- Tree Survey Plans - AMENDMENT
- Unit and Tenure Plan - AMENDMENT
- Refuse Plan - AMENDMENT
- Parking Strategy Plan - AMENDMENT
- Building Heights Plan - AMENDMENT
- Materials Plan - AMENDMENT
- Levels and Drainage Concept Sheet Plan 1 of 2 - AMENDMENT
- Levels and Drainage Concept Sheet Plan 2 of 2 - AMENDMENT
- Highways Plan - Internal Junction Visibility - AMENDMENT
- Highways Plan - Visibility Splays from Private Drives - AMENDMENT
- Highways Plan - Vehicle Tracking Access Loop- AMENDMENT
- Highways Plan - Forward Visibility
- Highways Plan - Internal Vehcile Tracking - Refuse Vehicle - AMENDMENT
- Highways Plan - Internal Vehicle Tracking - Fire Tender - AMENDMENT
- Highways Plan Internal Vehicle Tracking - Large Car - AMENDMENT
- Highways Plan - Internal Vehicle Tracking - Large Car - AMENDMENT
- Highways Plan - Pedestrian Visibility - AMENDMENT
- Pumping Station Layout - AMENDMENT
- Pumping Station Specification -AMENDMENT
- Key Plan On-plot and Public Open Space 06050_XX-XX-DR-L-0001- AMENDMENT
- Public Open Space Plan AMENDMENT
- Boundary Treatments Plan AMENDMENT
- Access and Movement Plan AMENDMENT
- Site Layout - AMENDMENT
- Phase 1A Composite Plan - AMENDMENT
- Site Location Plan - AMENDMENT
- Statement of Community Involvement - SUPERSEDED
- GL1384 01A Soft Landscape Proposals - SUPERSEDED
- GL1384 02A Soft Landscape Proposals - SUPERSEDED
- Landscape Visual Statement - SUPERSEDED
- LMA Phase 1A Affordable Housing Statement(1) - SUPERSEDED
- LMA Phase 1A Housing Mix Statement - SUPERSEDED
- Long Marston - Plot by Plot Schedule of Acccomodation - SUPERSEDED
- PL.11 - BELFORD - Plots 13 14 45-48 60-63 Rev.B - SUPERSEDED
- PL.13 - CORBROOK - Plots 49 50 91 92 111 112 Rev.B - SUPERSEDED
- PL.14 - DINFIELD - Plots 2 3 5 6 25 26 37-40 78-81 93 94 97-100 105 106 Rev.B - SUPERSEDED
- PL.15 - HAMBROOK - Plots 57-59 Rev.B - SUPERSEDED
- PL.16 - HAMBROOK - Plots 51-54 123 124 Rev.A - SUPERSEDED
- PL.17 - HAMBROOK - HOMEBROOK - Plots 113-115 Rev.A - SUPERSEDED
- PL.19 - HIMSCOT - Plots 83-86 Rev.B -SUPERSEDED
- PL.21 - HUNSLEY - Plots 12 15 17 28 30 Rev.A - SUPERSEDED
- PL.23 - HURWICK - Plots 7 11 16 21 82 96 101 102 107 Rev.A - SUPERSEDED
- PL.24 - HURWICK - Plots 1 4 24 29 44 64 95 110 Rev.A - SUPERSEDED
- PL.25 - ICKHURST - Plots 8 9 32-35 Rev.B - SUPERSEDED
- PL.26 - JAYBROOK - Plots 55 56 Rev.B - SUPERSEDED
- PL.27 - OATVALE - Plots 19 36 Rev.B - SUPERSEDED
- PL.28 - OATVALE - Plots 27 87 Rev.B - SUPERSEDED
- PL.30 - PEBWORTH - Plots 41 42 Rev.A - SUPERSEDED
- PL.32 - BLOACK A - PLOTS 72 - 77 - Rev.A - SUPERSEDED
- PL.33 - BLOCK B - PLOTS 65-71 - Rev.A - SUPERSEDED
- PL.34 - BLOCK C - PLOTS 116-122 - Rev.A - SUPERSEDED
- Planning Statement(2) - SUPERSEDED
- Sustainability Statement(1)- SUPERSEDED
- Ecology Report - SUPERSEDED
- 6050-L-004 Landscape Plan RevB -SUPERSEDED
- Refuse vehicle tracking plan - SUPERSEDED
- Fire tender tracking plan - SUPERSEDED
- Air Quality Statement(1) - SUPERSEDED
- Transport Assessment - SUPERSEDED
- Flood Risk Assessment - SUPERSEDED
- 6050-L-004 Landscape Plan RevB - SUPERSEDED
- Arboricultural Statement and Tree Survey - SUPERSEDED
- Long Marston - Schedule of Accommodation - SUPERSEDED
- PL.08 Refuse Strategy Plan - SUPERSEDED
- Drawing Register - SUPERSEDED
- PL.02 Coloured Site Layout - SUPERSEDED
- PL.02_1Site Layout Plan - SUPERSEDED
- PL.03 Wider Site Context Plan - SUPERSEDED
- PL.04 Unit Types Plan - SUPERSEDED
- PL.05 Storey Heights Plan - SUPERSEDED
- PL.06 Access and Movement Plan - SUPERSEDED
- PL.07 Parking Strategy - SUPERSEDED
- Design and Access Statement -SUPERSEDED
- Open Space Statement - SUPERSEDED
- Connectivity Statement - SUPERSEDED
- PL.41 Open Space Plan - SUPERSEDED
- Planning Obligations Statement - SUPERSEDED
- PL.01 Site Location Plan - SUPERSEDED
- Transport Assessment Addendum Report - SUPERSEDED
- PL.22 - HUNSLEY - Plots 22 23 103 104 108 109 Rev.B - SUPERSEDED
- EIA Compliance Statement - SUPERSEDED
- On-Plot and Public Open Space Planting Plans - AMENDMENT
- Site Location Plan - SUPERSEDED