{{ MaintenanceDetail }}
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- Statement of Additonal Community Engagement
- Condition Compliance Statement VF
- Planning Application Cover Letter
- Drainage Compliance Statement
- EA Compliance Statement
- Geo Environmental Compliance Statement
- Heritage Statement
- Energy and Climate Change Statement
- Design Statement
- Planning Statement
- Appendix to Statement of Additional Community Engagement
- Transport and Highways Compliance Statement
- Affordable Housing Alternative Arrangements Plan
- Appendix 1a To Planning Statement - CALA Reserved Matters Indicative Layout
- Appendix 2a to Planning Statement - CALA Outline Indicative Layout
- Heritage Summary: Appendix to Heritage Statement
- Phase 1 Surface Water Drainage: Appendix to the Drainage Compliance Statement
- Transport Statement: Appendix to Transport and Highways Compliance Statement
- Geoenvironmental Site Assessment: Appendix to Geo Environmental Compliance Statement
- Environmental Assessment Compliance Statement: Appendix to EA Compliance Statement
- Appendix 2 to Planning Statement - Outline Planning application Update Report (Part 1 of the Appendix)
- Appendix 2 to Planning Statement - Outline Planning application Update Report (Part 2 of the Appendix)
- Appendix 1 to Planning Statement - Reserved Matters Planning Application Committee Report
- Amendeded Information - Cover Letter - AMENDMENT
- Amendment Tracker - Details of submitted Information- AMENDMENT
- Consultee Response Letter - AMENDMENT
- Consultee Response Letter - Appendix 1 - AMENDMENT
- Consultee Response Letter - Appendix 2 - AMENDMENT
- Consultee Response Letter - Appendix 3 - AMENDMENT
- Development Requirements SPD - Part V: Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Consultation - Completed Appendix 1 Climate Change Checklist - AMENDMENT
- West Midlands Design Charter Review - AMENDMENT
- Stage 1 Road Safety Audit - Design Response - AMENDMENT
- Stage 1 Road Safety Audit - AMENDMENT
- Stage 1 Road Safety Audit – Design Response (Development at Long Marston Airfield) -AMENDMENT
- Design Statement Addendum - AMENDMENT
- Side and Rear door details
- Top hung cottage window details
- Top hung window details
- All bar window details
- Horizontal bar window details
- Plain Casement windoiws
- Open fronted mono pitch canopy
- Mono pitch canopy
- Wet verge details
- Photograph of Materials 29.04.2021
- Holmwood Natural Brick
- Russell Plain Roof Tile (porches and bay window)
- Weatherboarding plan
- Weatherboarding Plan
- Weatherboarding Plan
- Weatherboarding Plan
- Render Details Weberpral M
- Weber Renders and Finishes brochure
- Beckstone Heads and Cils
- Redland Duoplian Roof Tile
- Russell Lothian Roof Tile
- Hardie Plank Cladding
- Application Form (DISCN/00021/21)
- Covering Letter (DISCN/00021/21)
- Parcel B, Phase 1 Long Marston Airfield, Stratford-Upon-Avon Construction Environmental Management Plan
- SUPERSEDED Strategy Plan Rev A
- SUPERSEDED Traffic Management Plan Ref. HS CDM Form 12 Rev 05 dated 18.10.2020
- Environmental Health Response 20.01.2021
- WCC Highways Response 08.03.2021
- DISCN/00021/21 Decision Notice
- Application Form (DISCN/00022/21)
- Covering Letter (DISCN/00022/21)
- Superseded Outdoor Lighting Report Ref. MMA16245 dated 07.01.2021
- Superseded Environmental Impact Assessment and Lighting Design Category Selection Process Ref. 16245 Rev R0
- Superseded Proposed Connection Schedule Rev R0 dated 08.01.2021
- Superseded Street Lighting Design Sheet 1 of 2 Dwg No. MMA16245/001 Rev R0
- Superseded Street Lighting Design Sheet 2 of 2 Dwg No. MMA16245/002 Rev R0
- Superseded Horizontal Illuminance (lux) Dwg No. MMA16245
- Superseded Proposed Lighting - Risk Assessment Form - R0 Ref. MMA16245
- WCC Highways Response 08.03.2021
- DISCN/00022/21 Decision Notice
- DISCN/00022/21 Decision Notice
- Cover Letter
- Application Form
- Street Lighting Design Sheet 1 Of 2 Dwg No. MMA16245/001 Rev R0
- Street Lighting Design Sheet 2 Of 2 Dwg No. MMA16245/002 Rev R0
- Proposed lighting plan
- Outdoor Lighting report
- Proposed lighting - Equipment Schedule
- Proposed Lighting - Design Document
- WCC Highways Response 03.05.2022
- Application Form (DISCE/00007/21)
- Covering Letter (DISCE/00007/21)
- Development Platform Phase Sign-Off Letter Ref: 252182-R09(00) dated 03.12.20
- Applicants reply re contamination RSK letter rec 25/03
- Remediation Report rec 25/03
- RSK reply to EHO comments 25/03/2021
- Remediation report received 25th March
- DISCE/00007/21 Decision Notice
- Application Form (DISCN/00027/21)
- Covering Letter (DISCN/00027/21)
- Severn Trent Water AMP6 Design & Build Requisition: Campden Road Dwg No. A6W/12779/04/04/94-CY-0101 Rev B
- Severn Trent Water AMP6 Design & Build Requisition: Campden Road Dwg No. A6W/12779/04/04/94-CY-0102 Rev B
- DISCN/00027/21 Decision Notice
- Application Form (DISCN/00248/21) rec d 01.04.21
- Supporting Statement Condition 19 dated 27.03.21, rec d 01.04.21
- Long Marston Door and Window Elevations Drawing, rec d 01.04.21
- Long Marston Eaves Details Drawing, rec d 01.04.21
- Long Marston Gable Fronted Canopy Detail Drawing, rec d 01.04.21
- Long Marston Gable Fronted with Posts Canopy Detail Drawing, rec d 01.04.21
- Long Marston Garage Door Details Drawing, rec d 01.04.21
- Long Marston GRP Flat Canopy Detail Drawing, rec d 01.04.21
- Long Marston Mono Pitch with Hip on Posts Canopy Detail Drawing, rec d 01.04.21
- Long Marston Mono Pitch with Posts Canopy Detail Drawing, rec d 01.04.21
- Long Marston Typical Bay Detail Drawing, rec d 01.04.21
- Long Marston Typical Dormer Detail Drawing, rec d 01.04.21
- Long Marston Typical Rooflight Detail Drawing, rec d 01.04.21
- Long Marston Verge Detail Drawing, rec d 01.04.21
- Long Marston Window and Door Head Details Drawing, rec d 01.04.21
- Long Marston Window Cill Details Drawing, rec d 01.04.21
- Materials Plan
- DISCN/00248/21 Decision Notice
- DISCN/00248/21 Decision Notice
- Application Form (DISCN/00325/21)
- Cover Letter
- Material Schedule Sheet 1 Plots 1-34 Dwg No. LONG-02-310-1
- Material Schedule Sheet 3 Plots 69-102 Dwg No. EURO-02-310-3
- Material Schedule Sheet 4 Plots 103-136 Dwg No. EURO-02-310-4
- Material Schedule Sheet 5 Plots 137-154 Dwg No. LONG-02-310-5
- DISCN/00325/21 Decision Notice
- Application Form (DISCN/00249/21) rec d 01.04.21
- Supporting Statement Condition 25 dated 27.03.21, rec d 01.04.21
- Long Marston Strategy Plan RM Condition 25 Drawing, rec d 01.04.21
- Construction Layout Drawing No P20-0119-23 Rev F, rec d 01.04.21
- Levels Layout - Sheet 1 Drawing No CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0011 Rev 03, rec d 01.04.21
- Levels Layout - Sheet 2 Drawing No CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0012 Rev 03, rec d 01.04.21
- Levels Layout - Sheet 3 Drawing No CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0013 Rev 03, rec d 01.04.21
- Levels Layout - Sheet 4 Drawing No CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0014 Rev 03, rec d 01.04.21
- Levels Layout - Sheet 5 Drawing No CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0015 Rev 03, rec d 01.04.21
- Levels Layout - Sheet 6 Drawing No CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0016 Rev 03, rec d 01.04.21
- Levels Layout - Sheet 7 Drawing No CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0017 Rev 03, rec d 01.04.21
- Levels Layout - Sheet 8 Drawing No CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0018 Rev 03, rec d 01.04.21
- Levels Layout - Sheet 9 Drawing No CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0019 Rev 03, rec d 01.04.21
- Adoptable Raised Table Detail Drawing No CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0045, rec d 01.04.21
- Charcon Block Paving information
- Riven Buff paving photo
- Riven Buff Paving Information
- Bike Stand Plan
- Hard Landscaping layout plan
- Public Open Space Footway Material Information (Centrack)
- DISCN/00249/21 Decision Notice
- Application Form (DISCN/00626/21)
- Supporting Statement (DISCN/00626/21)
- Proposed Layout Dwg No. P20-0119_01 Rev M
- Severn Trent Water AMP7 Dsign ·& Build Requisition: Campden Road Dwg No. A7W/13738/04/02/40-CY-0101 Rev D
- Gas Network Design Drawing Dwg No. MURNS3158_B96413903 Rev 11
- LV Cable Route Coming off Substation 2 Dwg No. M2UTIL-JMS-MUN18925-DR-W-0005 Rev C05
- Detailed Public Open Space Landscape Proposal Dwg No. P20-0119_14 Rev F
- Drainage Layout Sheet 1 CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0001-07 Rev 07
- Drainage Layout Sheet 2 CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0002-07 Rev 07
- Drainage Layout Sheet 3 Dwg No. CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0003-07 Rev 07
- Drainage Layout Sheet 4 Dwg No. CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0004-06 Rev 06
- Drainage Layout Sheet 5 Dwg No. CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0005-04 Rev 04
- Drainage Layout Sheet 6 Dwg No. CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0006-04 Rev 04
- Drainage Layout Sheet 7 Dwg No. CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0007-04 Rev 04
- Drainage Layout Sheet 8 Dwg No. CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0008-04 Rev 04
- Drainage Layout Sheet 9 Dwg No. CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0009-04 Rev 04
- S278 Highway Trees Sheet 1 of 3 Dwg No. C.0587_56
- S278 Highway Trees Sheet 2 of 3 Dwg No. C.0587_56
- S278 Highway Trees Sheet 3 of 3 Dwg No. C.0587_56
- DISCN/00626/21 Decision Notice
- Application Form (DISCN/00627/21)
- Supporting Statement (DISCN/00627/21)
- Cond 29 Long Marston Block Paving in the Highway, rec d 23.09.21
- Private Highway Details (Private Finish Details Drawing No CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G-0041-01)
- Confirmation block paving can accommodate a fully laden refuse vehicle
- Hard landcaping Plan
- Block paving in the public highway details
- DISCN/00627/21 Decision Notice
- Network Rail
- Coventry Airport
- Warwickshire Ramblers 13.03.2020
- Environment Agency 18.03.2020
- Lead Local Flood Authority Response
- Marston Sicca Parish Council
- Highways Englands
- Natural England
- Wychavon District Council 01.04.2020
- Cllr Edward Fitter
- Quinton Parish Council
- WCC Rights of Way
- SDC Waste and Recycling 08.04.2020
- Cllr Manuela Perteghella
- Health and Safety Executive
- WCC Highways Authority 19.05.2020
- Cllr Manuela Perteghella
- Marston Sicca Parish Council
- Marston Sicca Parish Council
- Environment Agency 21.08.2020
- Coventry Airport
- Andy Hixon - Coventry Airport
- Highways England 24.08.2020
- Warwickshire Police
- SDC Environmental Health 25.08.2020
- Sports England
- Historic England
- Network Rail
- Lead Local Flood Authority
- NATS Safeguarding
- Waste and Recycling 04.09.2020
- Natural England
- WCC Highways
- WCC Public Rights of Way
- Wychavon Council
- Luddington Parish Council
- Preston on Stour Parish Council
- Cllr Manuela Perteghella
- Cllr Edward Fitter
- SDC Dev and Enabling Officer
- Cotswold Conservation Board
- Cotswold District Council
- Weston-on-Avon Parish Council
- WCC Highways
- Respone from WCC Highways
- Post Determination EIA Statement
- Decision Letter
- DISCN/00025/21 Decision Notice (Cond 14) 10.03.21
- DISCN/00026/21 Decision Notice (Cond 15) 10.03.21
- DISCN/00030/21 Decision Notice (Cond 24) 10.03.21
- DISCN/00028/21 Decision Notice (Cond 17) 10.03.21
- DISCN/00027/21 Decision Notice (Cond 16) 15.03.21
- DISCE/00007/21 Decision Notice
- DISCN/00023/21 Decision Notice
- DISCN/00029/21 Decision Notice
- DISCN/00021/21 Decision Notice
- DISCN/00188/21 Decision Notice
- DISCN/00024/21 Decision Notice
- DISCN/00022/21 Decision Notice
- DISCN/00024/21 Decision Notice
- DISCN/00022/21 Decision Notice
- DISCN/00187/21 Decision Notice
- DISCN/00186/21 Decision Notice
- DISCN/00325/21 Decision Notice
- DISCN/00249/21 Decision Notice
- DISCN/00626/21 Decision Notice
- DISCN/00627/21 Decision Notice
- DISCN/00701/21 Decision Notice
- P20-0119_12D Site Location Plan
- Proposed Finished Floor Levels (Sheet 1)- AMENDMENT
- Proposed Finished Floor Levels (Sheet 2)- AMENDMENT
- Visibility splays plan -AMENDMENT
- Highway S.38 Plan - AMENDMENT
- Refuse Vehicle Passing Plan - AMENDMENT
- Preliminary Finished Floor Levels and Sections Plan - AMENDMENT
- Enclosure Details - AMENDMENT
- Proposed Layout - AMENDMENT
- Detailed on-plot Landscape Plans - Sheets 1-4 (4 plans in total) - AMENDMENT
- Key Highway Dimensions Plan - AMENDMENT
- Tree Pit Details-AMENDMENT
- Detailed Public Open Space Landscape Proposals - AMENDMENT
- Proposed Building Heights Plan - AMENDMENT
- Swept Path Analysis of a 11.7m refuse vehicle at turning heads-AMENDMENT
- Vehicle Swept Pth Analysis of a 11.7m Merecedes Econic and a Large Car Passing Along Side Roads - A
- Vehicle Swept Path Analysis of a 11.7m Merecedes Econic and a Large Car Passing Along Side Roads - B
- Proposed Refuse Strategy Plan - AMENDMENT
- Vehicle Swept Path Analysis of a 11.7m Mercedes Econic and a Large Car
- House Type Pack Plans (Elevations and Floorplans) - Part 1- AMENDMENT
- House Type Pack Plans (Elevations and Floorplans) - Part 2- AMENDMENT
- Housetype Pack - Amendment -Lower Resolution
- Proposed Streetscenes - AMENDMENT
- Proposed Streetscenes - AMENDMENT - Low Resolution
- Proposed Streetscenes - AMENDMENT
- Proposed Streetscenes - AMENDMENT- Low Resolution
- House Type Pack Plans (Elevations and Floorplans) - Part 3- AMENDMENT
- Proposed Parking Strategy Plan - AMENDMENT
- Vechicle Swept Path Analysis for Fire Appliance plan - AMENDMENT
- Proposed Streetscenes - AMENDMENT
- External Materials & Enclosure Location Plan - AMENDMENT
- Vehicle Swept Path Analysis for a Rigid Bus Passing Along Proposed Spine Road Plan - AMENDMENT
- CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G0006-01 Rev 01
- CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G0001-01 Rev 01
- CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G0002-01 Rev 01
- CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G0003-01 Rev 01
- CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G0004-01 Rev 01
- CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G0005-01 Rev 01
- CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G0007-01 Rev 01
- CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G0008-01 Rev 01
- CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G0009-01 Rev 01
- CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G0001-01 Rev 01
- CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G0002-01 Rev 01
- CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G0003-01 Rev 01
- CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G0004-01 Rev 01
- CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G0005-01 Rev 01
- CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G0006-01 Rev 01
- CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G0007-01 Rev 01
- CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G0008-01 Rev 01
- CMARS-PEG-XX-XX-DR-C-400-G0009-01 Rev 01
- P20-0119_01E Proposed Layout_LR
- P20-0119_02A Proposed Street Scenes_LR (1)
- P20-0119_04 Housetype Pack LR_Part1 (1)
- P20-0119_04 Housetype Pack LR_Part2 (1)
- P20-0119_05C External Materials and Enclosure Locations
- P20-0119_06B Parking Strategy
- P20-0119_07B Refuse Strategy
- P20-0119_08B Building Heights Plan
- P20-0119_14A Detailed POS Landscape Proposals LR
- P20-0119_15A Detailed On-plot Landscape Proposal
- Proposed Layout Plan - AMENDMENT
- Proposed Streetscenes - AMENDMENT
- Vechicle Swept Path Analysis for Fire Appliance plan - AMENDMENT
- House Type Pack Plans (Elevations and Floorplans) - AMENDMENT
- Vehicle Swept Path Analysis for a Rigid Bus Passing Along Proposed Spine Road Plan - AMENDMENT
- External Materials & Enclosure Location Plan - AMENDMENT
- Proposed Parking Strategy Plan - AMENDMENT
- Proposed Refuse Strategy Plan - AMENDMENT
- Proposed Building Heights Plan - AMENDMENT
- Detailed Public Open Space Landscape Proposals - AMENDMENT
- Detailed on-plot Landscape Plans - Sheets 1-4 (4 plans in total) - AMENDMENT
- Key Highway Dimensions Plan - AMENDMENT
- External Materials & Enclosure Location Plan - AMENDMENT
- Proposed Parking Strategy Plan - AMENDMENT
- Design Statement Addendum - AMENDMENT
- External Materials & Enclosure Location Plan - AMENDMENT