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- Application form
- Claverdon Housing Needs Report
- Flood mapping 2019-04-29T11
- Residential/Dwelling units - Supplementary Information form
- Phase 1 Desktop Study
- BMD.19.040.RP.001 LVIA - APPENDIX C - Baseline Figures
- Connectivity Statement August 2019
- 2935_ITP Transport Statement_v2-0_150119
- BMD.19.040.RP.001 LVIA - APPENDIX A - LVIA Methodology
- BMD.19.040.RP.001 LVIA - APPENDIX B - Planning Policy
- BMD.19.040.RP.001 LVIA - APPENDIX C - Baseline Figures
- BMD.19.040.RP.001 LVIA - APPENDIX D - Viewpoint Photograph
- BMD.19.040.RP.001 LVIA - APPENDIX E - Schedule of Likely Landscape Effe...
- BMD.19.040.RP.001 LVIA - APPENDIX F - Schedule of Likely Visual Effects...
- BMD.19.040.RP.001 LVIA - Main Report
- CCLT-AppA-V01 Planning Statement Appdx A v1.0 DRAFT HOUSING ALLOCATION POLICY
- CCLT-AppB-V01 Planning Statement Appdx B v1.0 DRAFT HEADS OF TERMS FOR SECTION 106 AGREEMENT
- CCLT-AppC-V01 Planning Statement Appdx C v1.0
- COPPER ZGA-066 Claverdon Community Land Trust Norton Lindsey -Contract f...
- Fibre_Handbook_V8
- Norton Lindsey - Desk Study Report July 2019
- Phase 1 Contamination Desktop Study Report - 27th June 2019
- Site selection process
- PLanning Statement Vs 10.2
- Norton Lindsey PC
- WCC Fire and Rescue Services Water Officer - Racha
- Cllr P Richards
- Wolverton Parish Council
- Claverdon Parish Council
- Norton Lindsey Parish Council
- Claverdon PC 09.09.2019
- Norton Lindsey Parish Council 24.09.2019
- Wolverton Parish Council
- Wolverton Parish Council
- Wolverton Parish Council
- Waste and Recycling comments 26.9.2019
- Environment Agency
- WCC Ecology
- Warwickshire Police
- WCC Highways 06.11.2019
- WCC Ecology
- Warwickshire Police
- SDC Play Equipment
- Rights of Way 03.02.2020
- Wolverton Parish Council
- WCC Highway Authority
- Severn Trent Water Ltd
- South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust
- Norton Lindsey PC
- Wolverton Parish Council
- John Gordon, Development and Enabling Officer
- LLFA 31.10..2019
- John Gordon, Development and Enabling Officer 03.10.2019
- LLFA 10.02.2020
- Housing and Enabling Officer
- Wolverton Parish Council
- NP Parish Council comments
- Wolverton Parish Council
- Norton Lindsey Parish Council & Wolverton Parish Council
- Environment Agency
- SDC Waste And Recycling Officer 16.02.2021
- Warwickshire Police
- #ITP-2935-002-B Swept Path Mercedes Econic
- M1191.A.01.01.A Site location Plan
- M1191.A.01.02.A Existing Site Plan Levels
- M1191.A.02.01.A Proposed 3 & 4 Bed Houses
- M1191.A.02.02.A Proposed 2 Bed Dwellings
- M1191.A.05.01.A Proposed Elevations Sheet 1
- M1191.A.05.02.A Proposed Elevations Sheet 2
- M1191.A.05.03.A Proposed Elevations Sheet 3
- M1191.A.05.04 Proposed Elevations Sheet 4
- M1191.A.9.01.PL Design and Access Statement Rev J
- M1191.A.110.100 Reference Images-compressed
- Parameters Plan rev A
- M1191.A.01 Site location plan
- M1191.A.01 Existing site location plan
- M1191.A.01 Proposed site plan
- M1191.A.01 Proposed site levels
- M1191.A.02.01 Proposed 3 4 bed houses
- M1191.A.02.02 Proposed 2 bed dwellings
- M1191.A.02.03 Proposed 3 bed dwelling 3 bed bungalow
- M1191.A.06.01 Proposed site level section A-A
- M1191.A.9.01 superseded Design and Access statement
- 2935.001 Swept path analysis
- 2935.001 Transport statement
- Wolverton Housing Needs Survey
- Norton Lindsey Housing Needs Survey
- Planning statement P1 superseded
- Planning statement P2 superseded
- Planning statement-P3 superseded
- Proposed Site Level Section A-A Dwg No: M1191-A-06-01.
- Proposed 3D Artistic Visualisations Dwg No: M1191-A-100-1
- Proposed 3D Aerial Massing Views Dwg No: M1191-A-100-2
- Proposed Elevations Sheet 1 Dwg No: M1191-A-05-01 suoerseded
- Proposed Elevations Sheet 2 Dwg No: M1191-A-05-02 suoerseded
- Proposed Elevations Sheet 3 Dwg No: M1191-A-05-03 superseded
- M1191.A.05.02-A Proposed Elevations Sheet 2
- M1191.A.05.01-A Proposed Elevations Sheet 1
- M1191.A.05.04 Proposed Elevations Sheet 4
- M1191.A.05.03-A Proposed Elevations Sheet 3
- M1191.A.01.04 Proposed Site Plan & Level
- M1191.A.9.01.PL superseded Design and Accesss Statement RevD
- M1191.A.9.01.PL superseded Design and Access Statement RevF
- GM1191.A.9.01.PL Design and Access Statement RevG superseded
- PS.3.1.0 Drawing Issue sheet
- BMD.19.040.RP.001 LVIA - APPENDIX E - Schedule of Likely Landscape Effe...
- BMD.19.040.RP.001 LVIA - APPENDIX A - LVIA Methodology
- BMD.19.040.RP.001 LVIA - APPENDIX F - Schedule of Likely Visual Effects...
- BMD.19.040.RP.001 LVIA - Main Report
- BMD.19.040.RP.001 LVIA - APPENDIX B - Planning Policy
- BMD.19.040.RP.001 LVIA - APPENDIX D - Viewpoint Photograph
- Site Selection Claverdon Community Land Trust 27.08.2019
- Planning Statement July 2019
- Design and Access Statement REV H
- Schedule of amendments
- PS 3.1.0 Drawing issue sheet 15-01-20 Rev A
- 15-01-2010 Planning Statement_CCLT-PS-V01
- BMD.19.040.SK.001 - Gannaway Farm Parameters Plan
- Gannaway Farm LVIA - Appendix A - Methodology
- ITP-2935-001-B Olympus
- M1191.A.01.03.B Proposed Site Plan colour
- M1191.A.01.04 B Proposed Site Levels
- M1191.A.02.03.A Proposed 2 Bed Dwellings 3 Bed Bungalow
- M1191.A.06.01.B Proposed Site Level Section A-A
- M1191.A.06.02.B Proposed Site Level Section B-B
- M1191.A.06.03.B Proposed Site Level Section C-C
- M1191.A.100.01 Proposed 3D Artistic Visualisations
- M1191.A.100.02 Proposed 3D Aerial Massing Views
- ZGA-066 Claverdon Community Land Trust Norton Lindsey -OPENREACH FIBRE O...