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- Planning Application Form
- Applicants covering letter
- Planning Statement
- Design and Access Statement
- Environmental Statement (ES) - Volume 3 - Non Technical Summary
- Environmental Statement (ES) - Volume 1 - List of Main Technical Assessments
- Environmental Statement (ES) - Volume 2 - List of Technical Appendices
- ES Chapter A: Introduction and Background
- ES Appendix A1: Site Location Plan
- ES Chapter B: Methodology and Scope
- ES Appendix B1: Request for Formal Scoping Opinion (March 2017)
- ES Appendix B2: SoADC Formal EIA Scoping Opinion (July 2017)
- ES Appendix B3: Clarification on Scope (March 2018)
- ES Chapter C: Site and Scheme Description
- ES Appendix C1: Scheme Plans
- ES Appendix C2: Draft Construction Environmental Management Plan
- ES Chapter D: Alternatives Assessment
- ES Appendix D1: Alternatives Constraints Plan
- ES Chapter E: Transport
- ES Appendix E1: Footpaths and Bridleways
- ES Appendix E1a: Transport Assessment
- ES Appendix E1ai: Transport Appendices
- ES Appendix E1b: Framework Travel Plan
- ES Appendix E2: Construction Traffic Data
- ES Appendix E3: Strategic Logistics Plan and Construction Logistics Plan
- ES Appendix E4: Proposed Layout - Evesham Road Junction
- ES Chapter F: Ecology and Nature Conservation
- ES Appendix F1: Botanical Species List
- ES Appendix F2: Bat Survey Report
- ES Appendix F3: Herpetofauna Survey Report
- ES Appendix F4: Bird Survey Report
- ES Appendix F6: Invertebrate Survey Report
- ES Appendix F7: Biodiversity Impact Assessment Summary
- ES Appendix F8: Ecology Figures
- ES Appendix F9: Arboricultural Impact Assessment and Tree Condition Survey
- ES Chapter G: Landscape and Visual Effects
- ES Appendix G1: LVIA Figures
- ES Appendix G2: LVIA Methodology and Assessment Criteria
- ES Appendix G3: Local Character Areas Extracts
- ES Appendix G4: Baseline Viewpoint Descriptions
- ES Appendix G5a: Proposed Visualisations (NB see also Appendix G5b)
- ES Appendix G6: Planting Scheme and Landscape Sections.
- ES Appendix G7: Landscape Effects Table
- ES Appendix G8: Visual Effects Table
- ES Appendix G9: Lighting Assessment
- ES Chapter H: Noise and Vibration
- ES Appendix H1: Noise Barrier Specification
- ES Appendix H2: Acoustic Figures
- ES Appendix H3: Environmental Sound Survey Instrumentation
- ES Appendix H4: Environmental Sound Survey Data
- ES Appendix H5: Sound Level Graphs
- ES Chapter I: Air Quality
- ES Appendix I1: References
- ES Appendix I2: Receptor Locations
- ES Appendix I3: Model Verification
- ES Appendix I4: Model Inputs and Results Processing Tools
- ES Appendix I5: Future Year Modelling
- ES Appendix I6: Human Health Receptors
- ES Appendix I7: Ecological Receptors Results
- ES Appendix I8: Air Quality Receptors /Monitoring Location Figures
- ES Chapter J: Heritage
- ES Appendix J1: Heritage Assessment (2018)
- ES Appendix J2: Geophysical Survey (2018)
- ES Appendix J3: Heritage Figures
- ES Chapter K: Water Environment
- ES Appendix K1: Flood Risk Assessment
- ES Appendix K2: Water Framework Directive Compliance Assessment
- ES Appendix K3: River Network Map
- ES Chapter L: Socio-Economics
- ES Chapter M: Ground Conditions & Contamination
- ES Appendix M1: Ground Conditions Desk Study
- ES Appendix M2: Preliminary Sources Study report
- ES Appendix M3: Ground Conditions Figures
- ES Chapter N: Agricultural Land and Soils
- ES Appendix N1: Soils and Agricultural Quality of Land Affected Report
- ES Appendix N2: Agricultural Land Figures
- ES Chapter O: Cumulative Effects
- ES Appendix O1: Cumulative Impact Assessment Schemes
- ES Appendix P1: SWRR Lighting Report - Bridge Lighting
- ES Appendix P2: SWRR Lighting Report - Racecourse Access Area Only
- ES Appendix P3: SWRR Lighting Report - Roundabouts and Development Roads.
- Planning Obligation Heads of Terms
- Desk Based Review of Mineral Resources
- Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Form
- SWRR Design Parameters Technical Note
- SWRR Design Speed Assessment Technical Note
- SWRR Pavement Design Technical Note
- SWRR Departure from Standards Form
- SWRR Road Restraints Risk Assessment Process (RRRAP) Assessment
- Stage 1 Road Safety Audit
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Utilities Statement
- Planning Register Of All Plans and Documents
- Draft Construction Environmental management Plan (CEMP)
- ES Appendix G5b Visualisation Methodology
- ES Appendix F5: Badger Survey Report Title Page - Full copy of the report is Confidential
- A Smith
- Email Stratford Greenway Group
- Don Fidler
- Stephen Gurden
- Sue Sutton
- Tony Homer
- Rosemary Ratcliffe
- Sam Walby
- Dr Lim Ho
- Dr L and P Reeves
- Dafydd Evans
- Dr Peter J. W Scott
- Rosemary Winter-Scott OBE
- clare Bonder
- Clive Kempton
- Mr C.R.Toney
- James Greygoose
- Mel Baines
- Louise Dudley
- H. Rowe
- Carole Longden
- Edward Brown
- Julie Jennings
- Ann Jackson
- K McIntosh
- Nicola Corbishley
- Derek Biggs
- Alexis Harriott
- Bryony Fisher
- Christopher Fox
- Michael Sofroniou
- Penny Gildea
- Anthony Carus
- Clive Miles
- Paul Elcocks
- Viv Graver
- John Graver
- Andrew Hatcher
- Reg turvey
- Wendy Hughes
- Michael Brockington
- susan hall
- Kate Stanford
- Quentin Willson
- Jose Deer
- Linda Pollock
- Adrian Kendrick
- Clare Taylor
- Gerard Nath
- Joan Chesney
- Mrs Maya Harris, MD, FRCS
- stephen vale
- Kate Jones
- Lorna Milward
- Mrs L Aust
- Jane Eborall
- Chris Godman
- Richard Gee
- Haley Darby
- tom smerdon
- Ann Snowdon
- Amanda Billingsley
- Mark Dickin
- Jenny Edworthy
- Anthony paxton
- Brian Davis
- Richard Morris
- Mark Dickin
- Natalie Davies
- Piotr Smukowski
- Mrs P J Stott
- Nigel Sharp
- Mrs powell
- Charles Pettit
- Lucie Ariss
- Ian Chatterton
- Cheryl Matthews
- Nina Haines
- John haines
- John Furnival
- Jane
- Julie Savage
- Paul Talbot
- Allen Chasteauneuf
- Thijs Bos
- Michael Best
- Joy Godwin
- nicola stratton
- Charles Michaelis
- Nick Miller
- Elizabeth Hatz
- Janet Kempton
- David Bowie
- Suzanne Brayshay
- Sue cave
- B E Cottrell
- Richard Walsh
- jeff DeLay
- David Chesney
- Hannah Cossentine
- Graeme Morgan
- Ann Smith
- Paul Coward
- Elizabeth Knowlton
- Martin Bagge
- Jayne Barnes
- Fiona Macvie
- R Humphreys
- Peter Phipps
- Mrs S Odell
- Martin Osborne
- Wendy Osborne
- Steven bryan
- Mike Brown
- Michael Philps
- Frank Holmes
- Cate Baylis
- Martin Baylis
- Agata
- Hannah Cossentine
- Diane Brennan
- Sarah
- susan ireland
- George Oldridge
- Roy Walton
- George FISHER
- Lynda Kershaw
- Doug Wallace
- Cliff barnes
- Carol Cholerton
- Alan and Mary Boddington
- Jonathan Tallis
- Jayne Barnes
- Andrew Brooks
- Hugo Happel
- Peter Wiltsher
- Stephen Groves
- Petros Fountoukidis
- Paul Beard
- Andrew Dow
- Elspeth Harding
- Barb Lavercombe
- Kevin Bunyan
- Oliver Le Grice
- Susanna Brown
- Simon Rouch
- Miriam Dow
- T Perrins
- Suzy Clutterbuck
- Celia Tanner
- Ian Garrett
- Email objection Susanna Brown
- Quentin Willson
- Mr R S Perkins
- Mrs Pauline Perkins
- Catherine Alexander
- Jeremy Gould
- Leena Garrett
- TD Matthews
- Jason Lupton
- Lucy Whittington
- Gordon Reid
- Patrick Watson
- Mr. Butler
- Ron Haskins
- Kay Sillitoe
- Harry Adair
- Shawn sanders
- Rob Dickinson
- Lindsay Varney
- Jonathan Rogers
- Julia Jones
- Rebekah Owens
- Malcolm Bevan
- Keith Rousell
- Laura Keating
- Susan Davis
- Richard Buxton
- Adrian McCarthy
- Rita Kubiak
- John Newcombe
- M Barker
- Mr T Cossentine
- Liz
- Kenneth Wheeler
- Margaret Youle
- Kenneth Newman
- Shirley Newman
- Mark Britland
- Mr & Mrs N J Rendell
- r.bates
- Benjamin Cooper
- David Young
- CHJPickworth
- Ian & Pauline Barnett
- Rozanne Chapman
- M Williamson
- Janine Lee
- Mr t payne
- Roger Smith
- C H J Pickworth
- Margaret Jefferies
- Colin Robberts
- Rosemary Keep
- Lionel Stanway
- Barbara Smith
- Elizabeth Dixon
- Linda Wright
- Catherine Elliott
- Roger Dopson
- Diane Brennan
- vivien robberts
- Tim Smallman
- Myles Thornton
- Jonathan & Ruth Dixon
- David Harvey
- Myles Thornton
- Mr Henry Pickworth
- Will Large
- Ann Large
- Robert Davies
- Caroline James
- Lionel Whitehead
- Alan Wilfred Morris
- S.P.J. Kirby
- James Pullman
- Graham Toney
- Claire Stanway-Fry
- Helen Bromley
- Carolyn Smith
- Valentine Smith
- David Bromley
- Lucinda Bromley
- Jonathan Fletcher
- Mary Whitehead
- Mr Les Anscombe
- Barbara Anscombe
- Alison Higgins
- Alice hands
- Emil Gudfinnsson
- Simon Davies
- Cindy Davies
- David Geldard
- Kevin Fallon
- Valerie Dopson
- Owen Davies
- mr&mrs orme
- jon bird
- Peter Cholerton
- Abigail Davies
- Julie Swinsco
- vina eden
- Rusell Ash
- Stephen Hatcher
- Eira Walsh
- Simon Dixon
- Hannah Dixon
- Philip Mills
- Ann and David Stowe
- Michael Hurst
- Martyn and Kate Sergent
- james gorst
- David Nutt
- Glenn Mcintosh
- Penny Matthews
- Matthew McCarthy
- Mike Hardwick
- Mrs Diane Gorst
- William Gorst
- Stephen Buckingham
- Anthony Beysens
- Pauline Bateman
- John C B Humphreys
- Del Walker
- caroline Walker
- Dolores Papin
- Di Gee
- M Morris
- Pamela Devine
- Mark Collinge
- Sarah Bidmead
- Rebecca Smith
- J Morris
- Nicholas York
- Peter Tandy
- John Matthews
- Rachel Sofroniou
- Jon Warrender
- R.Musgrave
- Mark Attride
- Peter Gavan
- Val Preece
- Carole Bardell
- Martin Toney
- Julie Savage
- Ian Whittington
- Mr Jones
- Christine Yorke
- David Heyworth
- John Barlow
- Robert Griffiths
- Fraser Edwards
- Nigel Edwards
- Mrs Julia Pickworth
- Dr Robert Tucker
- Anthony Godel
- Juliet Pickworth
- Ingrid Stevens
- John Weight
- Julia Shearing
- John Elliott
- Agnieszka Elliott
- Mr Robin Mohan
- Graham Grasby
- M Barker
- Hannah Pope
- David Stevens
- William Mackinnon-Little
- Virginia Warrender
- David Passingham
- charlotte gorst
- Anne Willie
- Dr Sarah Pickworth
- Christopher Fox
- Jessie Lawrence
- William Blunt
- Karen E Blunt
- Christopher R Blunt
- Graham Smith
- Ciara &Roger Campbell
- Theresa Rooke
- Clare Neale
- Helen Body
- M Luscombe
- marion homer
- Dennis Haines
- George
- Greg Wigg
- Martin Lambert
- Paul Sheehan
- David Jutton
- Edward Fila
- Steph Robinsom
- Rob Hodkinson
- Tim Roberts
- Gareth Compton
- John Deegan
- Dora Collyer
- Barrie Clews
- John Roberts
- Mike Cresswell
- Mrs Valerie Humphreys
- Robin Mohan
- Hilary Roesen
- Jo Roesen
- Nicola Coles
- Mike Dodd
- maureen easton
- David Hawkins
- David Currall
- Peter Emmerson
- Susanna Birley
- Lisa Hawken
- Mark Rowlands
- Gillian Adair
- Mr David Martin
- Gordon A. Smith
- Roger Loads
- Martin Lambert
- David Ockendon
- Philip Thompson
- Colleen Moss
- Pete Keeley
- James Pullen
- richard greenslade
- Gill Spence
- MRs Kate Fox
- Christopher Fox
- Anthony Johnston
- Dai Truong Nguyen
- Kathryn Bailey
- Gareth hepworth
- Charlotte Prince
- Annie Harris
- Cllr Peter Moorse
- Harry Booker
- Jean Godman
- Grenville Bates
- J Goddard-Jones
- John Crowther
- Angela Wylam
- Stuart Perkins
- N.A.M Butler
- Mrs V Thompson
- Susan Blackwell
- Diane Brennan
- David John Savage
- Ivor moore
- Charlotte Moore
- Emma Hemmings
- Jason Hemmings
- Dominic Guyver
- Mrs Diane C M Dickin
- Mr & Mrs R. Stowe
- Steve Downer
- Helen Downer
- Jann Tracy
- Ilona Kendrick
- Barry Giles
- Fred Bishop
- Valerie Baker
- Susan Rapp
- Gillian Toney
- J.M.Coyle
- Simon Ball
- Sue Rigby
- Linda Milson
- Jane Hornby
- David Whitfield
- E Stevenson
- P Wright
- Kate savage
- Suzanne England
- Joanne Mason
- Lisa Lambourn
- Dr Rebekah Grayson
- Jessica Blackwall
- Gladys Curran, Paul Curran, Matthew Curran
- Mrs Fleeman
- Kim Philpotts
- Richard Ham
- John Barnett
- Ian McCarthy
- Brian Hunter
- HELEN Wallace
- Alan Johnston
- David Higgins
- Helen Groom
- Milo Withay
- Mike Durst
- Jan Varn
- Diana Barrell
- Mr Morgan
- Peter Mensforth
- Mr D C Adams
- Martyn Hodson
- Andrew Webber
- John Turner
- Maurice Turner
- David Tomlin
- Harry Rowe
- Andrew Manley
- Peter Thurston
- Mr M D Bull
- SHeila Devonshire.
- Anne Jones
- Sheila Devonshire.
- Bill Devonshire.
- Graham Leach
- Sara Walker
- Paul Tursner-Upcott
- Lisa Skett
- Simon & Lucy Hill
- Robert Hornby
- Ian and Laraine Johnson
- For and on behalf of Mr Ranieri , john M.H. Mayell
- Venetia Wilson
- Mr. JEG Varley
- Gloucestershire Warwickshire Steam Railway Plc
- Rachel Bowl
- Robert Law
- Nina Law
- James Hazell
- Pam Whittington
- Phillip Groom
- Toni Tomalin
- John Whittington
- Michael Finn
- Mahwish Kharal
- Daniel Damme
- Phillip Groom
- R Sawyer
- geoffrey shephard
- James Charlett
- Catherine Mallyon
- Rachel Fielden
- Pamela Ratcliffe
- Martyn Payne
- M S Payne
- Mr. Adrian White
- Jane Phipps
- Charlotte Rawstorne
- Brett Mackay
- Clare
- David Smith
- David Jay
- Clare Blakemore
- Lesley Kiener
- Paul Harris
- Chris Crossley
- Caroline Crossley
- David Elliott
- Charlotte smith
- Irene Jutton
- Rory Hammond
- Anthony Bean
- Isaac Wrench
- Matt Cullimore
- Jo Burton
- Darren Clarke
- Mrs. Barbara Joseph
- victoria bean
- Mark Casement
- Stuart Griffiths
- Richard Thomas
- Joanne Ottley
- Mavis Kate Whittingham
- B Scarlett
- James Crocker
- peter kilbride
- Richard Budd
- Massimo Bertoli
- Richard Mott
- David Moore
- Geoff Middleton
- David Martin
- Jerome Tucker
- Bruce O Neil
- Ken Kendall
- Stratford-on-Avon Friends of the Earth
- Eileen Geldard
- Robert Eastham
- Diane Smith
- Neil Ewart
- Jo Hutchinson
- Zoe Gourlay
- Caroline Day
- Miss Lucy Lingard
- David Owen
- Maddie Thorpe
- J. A Robb
- Ann Marie Blackmore
- Steve Harris
- Robert Noble
- Digby Knott
- Jan Knott
- Richard Mott
- Charlotte Leavesley
- Martin Pring
- J. A Robb
- Richard West
- Mandy Perkins
- Michael Yorke
- Stuart Watson
- Andrew Scannell
- Anthony Betts
- Mr Mrs T Bailey
- Gilly Adams
- Denise Emslie
- Jeffrey Porter
- Hazel Smyth
- Clive nicholls
- Lorraine Davies
- john worthington
- T Griffiths
- Nicholas Barclay
- Janet Stanton
- Jennifer Winslow
- paul stanton
- Ronald And Celia Woodruff
- Paul Wilkinson
- Liz golby
- Michael Daniell
- Kenneth Rawling
- Stanley Lapidge
- James Corbishley
- Alastair Crawford
- Susan Crawford
- Nicholas Lister
- Ruth Calderbank
- John A Rogers
- Katherine Crawford
- Dr KJ Heavens
- Mrs EMG Heavens
- Susan Margaret Wheeler
- Gerald Elwyn Wheeler
- Emilie Devenport
- Penelope Shaw
- Margaret Mills
- Samantha McElvogue
- Ruth Poulten
- Susan Thomas
- P Usher
- Denise Williams
- Richard Mott
- Dave Corke
- Stephen Baker
- John Richards
- Janet Bedford
- Daniel Bonder
- Chris Bristow
- Janet Bosu
- Antonia Corr
- Sarah Pedley
- Paul Barton
- Janita Hodges
- Colin Winston
- Paul Rogers
- Robert Fradley
- Mrs K.T. Cain
- Mrs Lesley Hewson
- David Peregrine
- Mrs Meenan
- Ryan Davies
- Steve Johnson
- Marcus
- Clare Weaver
- B. C. Brazier
- Robert Mulraine
- Nick Mohan
- Kathleen Culverwell
- Joanna Rosso
- Sandra Ashford
- Alison Fawke
- Kerina Vasey
- James Greygoose
- Jill Fowler
- Maureen Philpotts
- Christie Fawke
- Peter Morlidge
- Sylvia Morlidge
- Mrs C Dowding
- Rachel O Donnell
- Simon Devenport
- Trevor Payne
- Louise Martinez
- Ben Parker
- John Condes
- Bev Righton
- Hilary Reaney
- Antony Walmsley
- Peter Harrison
- Paul and Diane Watson
- John Perry
- STK Richards
- Catharine Fleming
- Philippa Templeton
- Paula James
- Gael Heller
- Toby Hutton
- Tom Heller
- Lucy Ashfield
- Steve kemp
- James Savin
- Jon Butler
- Laura Clark
- Sue Mintz
- Harriet Mintz
- Matt Simpson
- Michael and Margaret Draper
- Diane Blackie
- Bernard Mintz
- Amy Attardo
- Elliot Francis
- Debra Stein
- Sarah-Jane Fulton
- Lex Kelly
- Navana Ashfield
- Vince Herbert
- Emma Atkinson
- Mark Atkinson
- Michael Culverwell
- Katy Ayres
- Charles Bromley
- Sandra Cornbleet
- Paul Vaughan
- Ian Ford
- Alison Saunders
- Stephen Holmes
- Rob Pitcher
- Susan Kennedy
- Joanna Young
- Mrs Walker
- R.Sankey
- John Brennan
- Elida Fidler
- Ruth Kerr
- Howard Stanton
- Rachel Bolger
- Barbara Roberts
- Anne Whick
- Patricia Cooke
- Sara Shipman
- Ms Matthews
- John Lightbourne
- Michael Roberts
- Sally Wales
- D R Lawrence
- Councillor Charles Bates - Shottery Ward Town Councillor
- Leslie Head
- Mr Barry Shakespeare
- R David Langman
- George Himmens
- Chris thorpe
- Belinda Hay
- Anne de Gay
- Nicholas Robberts
- Peter Davies
- Martin Robson
- Hugh Keep
- The Rev Patrick Taylor
- Victoria Davies
- Mrs Jane Batsford
- Cian Power
- Anne Benfield
- Cameron Slater
- Fleur Moody
- Stratford Town Trust
- Rocio Bonilla Pulido
- Laurence Moran
- David Austin
- Alex Julien
- John Morgan
- Simon Scoins
- Mr Johnson
- Evie
- David West
- Julie Naylor
- John Jowett
- Alex Naylor
- Nic Daniau
- Margaret Gain
- Christine Cooper
- Derek Ashmore
- James Crocker
- Ross Mcintosh
- James Coy
- Penelope Sandle-Keynes
- Sinead Timms
- R E Scarlett
- Carole May
- Kay Himmens
- Ambrose Butcher
- Helen Glover
- Liz Cooper
- Becky Thomas
- Karen Haines-Lea
- Sian Morris
- Suzie Steady
- Lynn Fairbairn
- Henry Warrender
- Gavin Griffiths
- Christine Neale
- Kevin Gildea
- David Hall
- Jacky Taylor
- Emma Yearsley
- Charlotte Careless
- Claire Wise
- Alison yearsley
- Paul Horton
- Keiron Pope
- Deborah Gillett-Smith
- Piotr Penczkowski
- Ben Pavey
- Aimee Pope
- Mark Illingworth
- James yearsley
- Cyril Benjis
- Jim Graham
- Laura middlemast
- Helen Nightingale
- Colin Hince
- Jake Findlater
- Dr David Thomson
- Rosie Parsons
- Paul Tomlinson
- Ralph Maddern
- George Upcott
- Richard Jones
- John Bramley
- Emily Simpson
- Mark Lucas
- Francesca Martin-Sweet
- Michael Payne
- Steve Price
- Helena Jones
- Paul Boness
- Lorna Cooper
- Kevin Wimperis
- Jeanne Slater
- Wendy Cuttell
- Willis Cuttell
- Andrea Cole
- Isabelle
- Joanna Hurley
- Danny Keaney
- Susanna Howat
- Lindsey Matheson
- Michael Clifford
- John Power
- Jennie Randall-Burgin
- Tony
- Mike Shipman
- Keith Williams
- Wendy Hirons
- Nigel Lambourn
- Christine Howell
- Mark Robin Stanford
- Tony and Sue Holmes
- Frank Steinheimer
- Kirsty waine
- Hannah smith
- Penny Garbutt
- Wendy smith
- Ian Harris
- Haydn Jones
- Fiona Paton
- Rebekah Gee
- Sophia Savage
- W Smith
- Donna Cons
- David Roberts
- Terence Phillips
- Jackie Adams
- Dan Couldrey
- Richard Workman
- Chrissie
- Marie Hardwick
- Rachael Randall
- Ben Jacques
- L Jedrzejewski
- Rebecca Lee
- Wendy Steinheimer
- Gill Peregrine
- Sadie Kirby
- Mrs Krystyna Elcocks
- Jane
- Malcolm & Ann Crump
- Yolanda Franklin
- Graham Edwards
- Mary Watson
- Jill Owen
- Janet Robinson
- Caroline Endersbee
- Wendy Cuttell
- Elaine Way
- Keith Batchelor
- Charles Robinson
- Helen Arif
- Andrew Anderson
- M Preece
- Matthew Pinfield
- Edward H Green
- Colin Reed
- Susan Edwards
- Nicholas Ray
- Elinor Moore
- Sian Owen-Atkins
- Teresa Savage
- Andrew Jones
- Georgina Brennan
- Tim Wright
- Sam Jones
- James Smith
- Michael D G Short
- Peter Stewart
- Diane Mason
- M Quinn BEng CEng MICE
- Clare Norman
- Michael Revell
- Alison Purchon
- Gary Head
- R Giles
- Gareth Davies
- Rosemary Rasgauski
- Rachel Shelley
- Rosemary Rasgauski
- Susan Harris
- Mary Keyte
- Sarah Fitchford
- Heather Shipley
- Ria Killmorgan
- Luke Brennan
- Richard Thompson
- Jan and Tony Jones
- Graham Turner
- Dave Kelly
- Veronica Thomas
- Mary Finegan
- Elizabeth Statham
- Johnson
- Joyce Hawkins
- Jordan Mansfield
- Mark Higgott
- Joyce Hawkins
- Bob Malloy
- Robert Hawkins
- Judith Fogg
- Chris Wheeler
- Michael Donoghue
- Trevor Tiller
- Martin Butler
- Jo Walker
- Renny Wodynska
- Geoff Tracey
- Gerard Adams
- Ian Caney
- Pat wade
- Natalie
- Lauranicholson
- Rodney Perkins
- Christine Walsh
- David Morgan
- Alison Parsons
- Joan Ward
- Emily Adams
- Yasmeen Baig-Clifford
- Stuart Keighley
- Tony Golding
- Cheryl Flavell
- Claire Sanderson
- Steven Cooper
- Dr Penny Haggett
- I Hazelwood
- Christine Cooper
- Henry Carragher
- Mrs Janet Carragher
- Elizabeth Wainwright
- Brian Richardson
- Jennifer Baylis
- Kathryn Young
- Paul & Wendy Wright
- Joan Silk
- Jake mccarthy
- Jane Turner
- Elspeth Cook
- B & S Keenan
- M Keenan
- Stacey Hodgetts
- Elizabeth Lang-Sadler
- Lisa Ashton
- Denise Parnell
- Sarah-Jane Shead
- Paul McGinn
- Steve Currie
- Mrs Susan Southgate
- Steven Usher
- Gayle Thorpe
- Angela Hodgson
- Helen Barboutis
- Joyce Tullett
- Nicola Walsh
- Mrs S Roberts
- Richard Helliker
- Debbie Lovett
- Les Morris
- Carys Fisher
- Kerry
- D Colbourne
- Sarah
- Juliet Mohan
- Sarah Miller
- Fiona Heath
- Christine Susnik
- H. McCarthy
- Matthew Harris
- Claire Witton
- Kriss Ombler
- Tim Berkley
- Nikki Kennedy
- Michael Franklin
- Barbara Boyall
- Donald Boyall
- Julie Wilde
- George Trow
- Richard Mott
- Jackson Clifford
- Dr John Benfield
- J E Bladon
- Jenny Tinsley
- Chris Crean
- John Cullington
- Veronica Valdes
- James Warrender
- Daniel Payne
- Elaine Rowlands
- Monica O
- Stephen Howat
- John And Pam Elliott
- Chris Finch
- M Champion
- Jonathan Craig
- Sara
- Andrew Haines
- Brian Woodward
- Mary Johnson
- Andrew Ridgway
- Tracy Southern
- Aimee Mcmillan
- Shilpa Patel-Emilsson
- Tina Grasby
- Caroline Hales
- Dominic Skinner
- Colin Ombler
- Simon Collins
- Stephen Hawken
- Miss Amanda Smith
- Michael Wheeler
- Mrs Anthea Grimes
- Aline Cumming
- Richard Thorne (for Vintage Trains Ltd)
- Deborah Bevan
- John Shearing
- Pat Smith
- Samantha McConnell
- Michael
- Conrad & Mindy Yorke
- Krzysztof Smukowski
- Lukasz Bryzek
- Darren Grasby
- Katarzyna Zuromska
- Miles And Sarah Buttrick
- Gordon Dennis & Sonya Millman
- Paula Edwards
- Mrs Judith Cossentine
- Robert and Hilary Tucker
- David Taylor
- Mark Nixon
- Phyllis Collins
- Peter And Sue Butler
- Stratford Residents Action Group
- Vintage Trains
- Jacqueline Ann Nixon
- John Livingston
- Brian Darnley
- A Whiting
- Winifred Chamberlain
- Lyn Darnley
- Lucy Jacques
- Teresa Ombler
- Colin Ombler
- Dawn Clarke
- Emma Moore
- Mr. Granville Baylis
- Jess Garrison
- Denny Freeman
- Corrin Harding
- Ian Baxter - North Cotswold Line Task Force
- Larisa Pestunova
- Larisa Pestunova
- Peter Snodgrass
- Thomas Baker
- Stella Tolhurst
- John Cart
- Rowan Darlow
- John Cart
- Teresa Tian
- Anese Beysens
- Robert Hardy
- Angela Hodgson
- Rachel
- Adrian Griffiths
- Kirstin Greygoose
- Bernadette Rose
- Duncan Moore
- Katarzyna Cichoeska
- Mike Barrie
- Dr Richard Freer-Hewish
- Katarzyna Cichowska
- Deborah Campton
- John Campton
- Ben Moody
- Miss C.Vaughan
- Lucy Snodgrass
- Christopher Kennedy
- Teresa Kristunas
- Saffron Cureton-Taylor
- Anna Hipwell
- Beverley Stovell
- Ceridwen Ponzi
- Kayla Woolley
- Sylvia Bromley
- Brian Bromley
- Anna Hipwell
- Peter Murtagh
- Kaz Proctor
- Bethan Clark
- Charles Twigger
- Susan James
- William James
- Thomas Clark
- Helen Allman
- Sally Bigwood
- Andrew Willcox
- Lee Taylor
- Ron Bartlett
- Sammy Brown
- Wayne Allman
- Kelly Milner
- Alexander Brewer
- Mark Woodhouse
- Kate Bryan
- Carol Cheshire
- V Maxwell
- Peter Wells
- Kevin Taylor
- Lisa Garrison
- MalcMorgan
- Susan Baron
- Dave Ariss
- Daniel Marriott
- Rita Jennings
- Ross McIntosh
- Anthony
- Juliette
- Irina Gorbunowa
- Josh Lydiard
- Alison Roberts
- Colin
- Josie Stevens
- Glynis Fletcher
- Stephen White
- Anne Bowes
- Joseph Williams
- jane spence
- Roderick Thompson
- Marrons Planning on behalf of SRAG 03.12.2018
- Mrs Elizabeth Bean
- Peter Morlidge
- sylvia morlidge
- david owen
- Christine Weston
- Mr Barry Fitzpatrick
- George Power
- Stuart Keighley
- Shuai Yang and Yun Tian
- Richard Thomas
- Charlotte Morris
- Matthew Preece
- Shakespeare Line Promotion Group
- Jon Warrender
- David Austin
- Mike Hardwick
- Alan Punshon
- Di Brennan comment 06.02.2020
- Richard Gee
- John Morgan
- Linda and Myles Pollock
- Stratford Residents Action Group
- The Inland Water Association
- Warwickshire Police
- Flood Risk Management
- Canal & River Trust
- NATS Safeguarding
- Stratford-upon-Avon Town Council
- Planning Casework Unit
- National Grid
- Cadent Gas Plant Protection
- Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service
- Hampton Lucy Parish Council
- Historic England
- Wellesbourne Parish Council
- Warwickshire Ramblers
- Councillor Kate Rolfe
- Highways England
- Councillor Jenny Fradgley
- Planning Casework Unit
- SWRR Objection Luddington Parish Council
- SWRR Objection Luddington Parish Council- SWRR Site 2016
- SWRR Objection Luddington Parish Council- Lucys Mill, Gardens & Racecourse 2007
- SWRR Objection Luddington Parish Council- Proposed Construction Access Route
- SWRR Objection Luddington Parish Council - Racecourse Hurdle 2007
- SWRR Objection Luddington Parish Council - Racecourse Junction 2007
- SWRR Objection Luddington Parish Council - Stannells Close Garden 2007
- Wychavon District Council
- Lead Local Flood Authority
- Letter from Railfuture Thames Valley.
- WCC Rights of Way
- Clifford Chambers & Milcote Parish Council
- Welford on Avon Parish Council
- Stratford-upon-Avon Town Council
- Avon Navigation Trust
- Preston-on-Stour Parish Council
- Warwickshire Wildlife Trust
- Environment Agency response 7.11.18
- Natural England
- SDC Streetscene Officer
- SDC Heritage Consultant
- WCC Ecology
- Snitterfield Parish Council
- Luddington Parish Council
- Stratford-upon-Avon Town Council
- Cllr Molly Giles
- CPRE Warwickshire
- Severn Trent Water.
- WCC Highways
- Woodland Trust
- Forestry Commission
- Forestry Commission Standing Advice
- White Consultants : Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Review - Preliminary Review on behalf of Stratford on Avon District Council.
- Highways England Response
- Willersey Parish Council
- Chipping Campden Town Council
- WCC Highways
- Network Rail Consultations
- Curator of Natural Sciences Warwickshire County Council
- Curator of Natural Sciences Warwickshire County Council
- Highways England Technical Note referred to in response dated 11th January 2019
- WCC Highways
- Ministry of Defence
- SDC Archaeological Consultant - Technical Note
- Highways England
- WCC Ecology
- ARUP -South Western Relief Road Environmental Statement - Preliminary Review on behalf of Stratford on Avon District Council ( updated version with corrected footnote)
- Health and Safety Executive
- Pebworth PC.
- Honeybourne Parish Council
- Canal & River Trust
- Highways England 10.07.2019
- Western Power
- Highways England Response
- Highways England 16.01.20
- Highways England
- Highways England 13.07.2020
- Highways England Response dated 13.10.2020
- Highways England Response dated 14.01.2021
- Highways England 06.04.2021
- Highways England 06.07.2021
- National Highways 06.10.2021
- Highways England 7.01.2022
- Cllr David Curtis
- National Highways
- National Highways
- National Highways
- Letter to CALA Homes dated 18 April 2019 requesting the submission of additional information.
- Appendices to Letter to CALA Homes dated 18 April 2019 requesting the submission of additional information.
- Response from CALA Homes re: Timescale for response to Reg 22 letter
- Letter to CALA Homes dated 11 June 2019 requesting the submission of additional information.
- Further response from CALA Homes re: Timescale for response to Reg 22 and Additional Information letters
- South Western Relief Road - Press Release dated 18th March 2020 - Government Funding
- Transport Study Press Release dated December 2021
- Latest Position Statement in respect of the South Western Relief Road (18/01883/FUL) and Long Marston Airfield (18/01892/OUT) Planning Applications – May 2022
- Latest Position Statement in respect of the South Western Relief Road (18/01883/FUL) and Long Marston Airfield (18/01892/OUT) Planning Applications – February 2023
- Site Location Plan
- ADP Drawing & Document Issue Sheet
- Proposed Site Plan - Bridge
- Proposed View 01 - Bridge
- Proposed View 02 - Bridge
- Bridge Materials Sample Board
- Proposed bay elevations - Bridge
- Proposed Large Arch Section - Bridge
- Proposed Small Arch Section - Bridge
- General Arrangement Sheet 1
- General Arrangement Sheet 2
- General Arrangement Sheet 3
- General Arrangement Sheet 4
- General Arrangement Sheet 5
- General Arrangement Sheet 6
- General Arrangement Sheet 7
- General Arrangement Sheet 8
- General Arrangement Sheet 9
- S278/38 Adoption Plan Sheet 1
- S278/38 Adoption Plan Sheet 2
- S278/38 Adoption Plan Sheet 3
- S278/38 Adoption Plan Sheet 4
- S278/38 Adoption Plan Sheet 5
- S278/38 Adoption Plan Sheet 6
- S278/38 Adoption Plan Sheet 7
- S278/38 Adoption Plan Sheet 8
- S278/38 Adoption Plan Sheet 9
- Swept Path Analysis Clifford Lane Roundabout
- Swept Path Anaysis Shipston Road Roundabout
- Swept Path Analysis Abnormal Loads Vehicle Clifford Lane Roundabout
- Swept Path Analysis Abnormal Loads Vehicle Shipston Road Roundabout
- Swept Path Analysis Business Park Access and Luddington Road Junction
- Public Highway Stopping Up Plan
- Land Take Plan. Proposed Highway Land
- Land Take Plan. Proposed Temporary Construction.
- Typical Highway Sections
- Stopping Sight Distance Analysis Sheet 1
- Stopping Sight Distance Analysis Sheet 2
- Stopping Sight Distance Analysis Sheet 3
- Stopping Sight Distance Analysis Sheet 4
- Stopping Sight Distance Analysis Sheet 5
- Stopping Sight Distance Analysis Sheet 6
- Stopping Sight Distance Analysis Sheet 7
- Stopping Sight Distance Analysis Sheet 8
- Stopping Sight Distance Analysis Sheet 9
- Longitudinal Sections Sheet 1
- Longitudinal Sections Sheet 2
- Longitudinal Sections Sheet 3
- Longitudinal Sections Sheet 4
- Longitudinal Sections Sheet 5
- Longitudinal Sections Sheet 6
- Longitudinal Sections Sheet 7
- Longitudinal Sections Sheet 8
- Longitudinal Sections Sheet 9
- Site Clearance Plan Sheet 1
- Site Clearance Plan Sheet 2
- Site Clearance Plan Sheet 3
- Site Clearance Plan Sheet 4
- Site Clearance Plan Sheet 5
- Site Clearance Plan Sheet 6
- Site Clearance Plan Sheet 7
- Site Clearance Plan Sheet 8
- Site Clearance Plan Sheet 9
- Proposed Contour Plan Sheet 1
- Proposed Contour Plan Sheet 2
- Proposed Contour Plan Sheet 3
- Proposed Contour Plan Sheet 4
- Proposed Contour Plan Sheet 5
- Proposed Contour Plan Sheet 6
- Proposed Contour Plan Sheet 7
- Proposed Contour Plan Sheet 8
- Proposed Contour Plan Sheet 9
- Vehicle Restraint System Layout Sheet 1
- Vehicle Restraint System Layout Sheet 2
- Vehicle Restraint System Layout Sheet 3
- Vehicle Restraint System Layout Sheet 4
- Vehicle Restraint System Layout Sheet 5
- Vehicle Restraint System Layout Sheet 6
- Vehicle Restraint System Layout Sheet 7
- Vehicle Restraint System Layout Sheet 8
- Vehicle Restraint System Layout Sheet 9
- Drainage Layout Sheet 1
- Drainage Layout Sheet 2
- Drainage Layout Sheet 3
- Drainage Layout Sheet 4
- Drainage Layout Sheet 5
- Drainage Layout Sheet 6
- Drainage Layout Sheet 7
- Drainage Layout Sheet 8
- Drainage Layout Sheet 9
- Pavement Plan Sheet 1
- Pavement Plan Sheet 2
- Pavement Plan Sheet 3
- Pavement Plan Sheet 4
- Pavement Plan Sheet 5
- Pavement Plan Sheet 6
- Pavement Plan Sheet 7
- Pavement Plan Sheet 8
- Pavement Plan Sheet 9
- Kerbing Plan Sheet 1
- Kerbing Plan Sheet 2
- Kerbing Plan Sheet 3
- Kerbing Plan Sheet 4
- Kerbing Plan Sheet 5
- Kerbing Plan Sheet 6
- Kerbing Plan Sheet 7
- Kerbing Plan Sheet 8
- Kerbing Plan Sheet 9
- Road Markings and Traffic Signs Sheet 1
- Road Markings and Traffic Signs Sheet 2
- Road Markings and Traffic Signs Sheet 3
- Road Markings and Traffic Signs Sheet 4
- Road Markings and Traffic Signs Sheet 5
- Road Markings and Traffic Signs Sheet 6
- Road Markings and Traffic Signs Sheet 7
- Road Markings and Traffic Signs Sheet 8
- Road Markings and Traffic Signs Sheet 9
- Road Markings and Traffic Signs Sheet 10
- Traffic Signs, Post and Foundation Details Sheet 1
- Traffic Signs, Post and Foundation Details Sheet 2
- Traffic Signs, Post and Foundation Details Sheet 3
- Street Lighting Sheet 1
- Street Lighting Sheet 2
- Street Lighting Sheet 3
- Street Lighting Sheet 4
- Street Lighting Sheet 5
- Street Lighting Sheet 6
- Street Lighting Sheet 7
- Street Lighting Sheet 8
- Street Lighting Sheet 9
- Indicative Dimensions and Levels to Existing Properties
- Precast Viaduct Plan
- Main Span Bridge Plan of Zone - 02
- Plan of Precast Arch viaduct Zone - 01 Sheet 1 of 3
- Plan of Precast Arch viaduct Zone - 01 Sheet 2 of 3
- Plan of Precast Arch viaduct Zone - 01 Sheet 3 of 3
- Plan of Precast Arch viaduct Zone - 03 Sheet 1 of 2
- Plan of Precast Arch viaduct Zone - 03 Sheet 2 of 2
- Main Span Foundation General Arrangement Sheet 1 of 2
- Main Span Foundation General Arrangement Sheet 2 of 2
- Approach Viaduct Foundation General Arrangement Sheet 1 of 2
- Approach Viaduct Foundation General Arrangement Sheet 2 of 2
- Elevation Of Precast Arch Viaduct Zone - 01 Sheet 1 of 3
- Elevation Of Precast Arch Viaduct Zone - 01 Sheet 2 of 3
- Elevation Of Precast Arch Viaduct Zone - 01 Sheet 3 of 3
- Bridge Main Span Elevation & Section Zone - 02
- Bridge Short Span Elevation & Section Zone - 02
- Elevation of Precast Arch Viaduct zone - 03 Sheet 1 of 1
- Landscape Proposals 1 of 7
- Landscape Proposals 2 of 7
- Landscape Proposals 3 of 7
- Landscape Proposals 4 of 7
- Landscape Proposals 5 of 7
- Landscape Proposals 6 of 7
- Landscape Proposals 7 of 7
- Existing Topographical Survey Plan Sheet 1
- Existing Topographical Survey Plan Sheet 2
- Existing Topographical Survey Plan Sheet 3
- Existing Topographical Survey Plan Sheet 4
- Existing Topographical Survey Plan Sheet 5
- Existing Topographical Survey Plan Sheet 6
- Existing Topographical Survey Plan Sheet 7
- Existing Topographical Survey Plan Sheet 8
- Existing Topographical Survey Plan Sheet 9
- Topographical, Utility and CCTV survey - Sheets 1-14
- Proposed Elevations In Context