Stratford-on-Avon District Council
E-Planning System
E-Planning is changing a new version is now available, this version will still be available to use until the end of the year

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Details about previous planning applications are currently provided from 1974 onwards. This service is not a substitute for a local land charges or NLIS search. The online planning history is incomplete and should not be relied upon e.g. in connection with a property transaction. In addition, the Council reserves the right to remove or not display certain information (e.g. contact details, signatures, financial and sensitive information) for confidentiality and other reasons. Use of the system is at the user’s own risk.

The Little House 31 Combrook Warwick CV35 9HP View Map
Number/Building name
Street name
School Lane 
Town name
CV35 9HP 
Wellesbourne East & Rural 
Reference Date Valid Status Proposal
23/03398/LDE 15/12/2023 Lawful Dev. Cert. Existing Refused Enlargement of parking area; erection of retaining wall
21/03000/FUL 17/09/2021 Pending Consideration Enlargement of parking area; erection of retaining wall
19/00361/FUL 19/03/2019 Application Withdrawn Enlargement of parking area; erection of retaining wall.
17/03560/TREE 27/11/2017 Tree Consent with Conditions -T1 field maple: Fell.
14/02744/FUL 08/10/2014 Application Withdrawn Proposed location of air source heat pump.
14/00973/FUL 07/04/2014 Permission with Conditions Amendments to planning permission no. 12/01416/FUL (Demolition of existing kitchen wing and erection of proposed two storey extension) 1) recladding of existing rendered gable in stone 2) increase in height of north gable wall 3) amendments to balcony
13/03320/VARY 13/01/2014 Application Withdrawn Removal of Condition 2 and 3 which relate to the use of the balcony and window details and variation of Condition 5 (list of approved drawings) in association with planning permission ref: 12/01416/FUL in respect of 'Demolition of existing kitchen wing and erection of proposed two storey extension (amendment to 07/00797/FUL and 11/01369/EXT'.
13/02480/AMD 28/09/2013 Application Withdrawn Extending the north facing gable wall by 1.8m and from ground level up to the underside of the eaves masking completely any vision of the balcony from the adjoining property (Keepers Cottage) and constructed in stone as sample approved. This allows the windows to the rear at first floor (home office) to match the adjoining windows to the bedroom.
13/02118/AMD 22/08/2013 Approval of Non Material Amendment Non material amendment to condition 4 of application 12/01416/FUL (Demolition of existing kitchen wing and erection of proposed two storey extension) to change approved roofing tile from Ashbourne burnt heather to sandtoft clay range 20/20.
12/01416/FUL 15/06/2012 Permission with Conditions Demolition of existing kitchen wing and erection of proposed two storey extension (amendment to 07/00797/FUL and 11/01369/EXT)
12/01418/DEM 15/06/2012 Application Withdrawn Demolition of existing kitchen wing
11/02143/DEM 22/09/2011 Conservation Area Consent Permitted Demolition of existing kitchen wing (and replacement by new extension)
11/01369/EXT 09/06/2011 Permission Extension of Time Extension of time to previously approved application (ref:07/00797/FUL) to re-build new kitchen, master bedroom with a home/work office, plus new three car garage.
11/01082/AMD 11/05/2011 Approval of Non Material Amendment Non material amendment to previously approved 07/00797/FUL to reduce the length of the two storey extension by 1.185m.
09/00583/TREE 24/03/2009 Tree Consent with Conditions - T1 field maple : reduce crown to below power lines - T2 hawthorn : fell
08/00669/LDE 16/04/2008 Application Withdrawn Timber cabin used as a garden room
08/00666/LDE 09/04/2008 Application Withdrawn Land used as garden
08/00665/FUL 10/03/2008 Planning Permission Refused Change of use from woodland to garden
07/00797/FUL Appeal 20/03/2007 Appeal Allowed Re-build new kitchen, master bedroom with a home/work office, plus new three car garage.
07/00798/DEM Appeal 20/03/2007 Appeal Allowed Demolition of existing kitchen wing (single storey) and replacement by new extension.
05/02747/FUL 19/09/2005 Application Withdrawn Erection of carport, conservatory and garden wall
03/02643/TREE 14/08/2003 Tree Works Approved Ta-ash-lift crown by removing lower limbs.
03/01270/TREE 15/04/2003 Tree Works Approved T1 - plum; fell T2 - ash; fell.
00/02036/TREE 04/08/2000 Tree Works Approved Removal of Norway Spruce
00/01304/FUL 17/05/2000 Permission with Conditions Proposed extension to existing garage building, together with associated alterations to existing driveway to form parking and turning areas.
13/02178/AMD   Application is not Required Demolition of kitchen wing and erection of proposed two storey extension.
11/01084/AMD   Application is not Required Non material amendment to previously approved 07/00797/FUL to reduce the length of the two storey extension by 1.185m.


The documents held on this system are variously subject to third party intellectual property rights and the Council’s own intellectual property rights. These documents are to be used for reference purposes only. By accessing this system, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and will comply with these requirements.