Stratford-on-Avon District Council
E-Planning System


Details about previous planning applications are currently provided from 1974 onwards. This service is not a substitute for a local land charges or NLIS search. The online planning history is incomplete and should not be relied upon e.g. in connection with a property transaction. In addition, the Council reserves the right to remove or not display certain information (e.g. contact details, signatures, financial and sensitive information) for confidentiality and other reasons. Use of the system is at the user’s own risk.

Search Results
142 applications found. Click the planning reference to display application details in full.
Reference Date Valid Status Address Proposal
24/00079/FUL 11/01/2024 Permission with conditions New Field Forge Whatcote Road Whatcote Warwickshire CV36 5DZ Single storey garden room side extension
23/02515/FUL 20/09/2023 Permission with conditions Chetwynd Whatcote Road Whatcote Warwickshire CV36 5EB Loft conversion, erection of entrance canopy, alterations to external windows and doors, external rendering and replacement of existing detached garage
23/01243/FUL 03/05/2023 Permission with conditions Land To The Rear Of Rowlands Way Whatcote CV36 5ES Erection of 5 dwellings to meet identified local needs, with all associated works
23/00809/TEL28 17/03/2023 Comments Sent Corner Of Rectory Lane Whatcote To install 9M Light wooden pole
22/02996/LBC 11/11/2022 Listed Building Consent Approved The Cottage Rectory Lane Whatcote Warwickshire CV36 5EB External and internal works to include: Repointing of the cottage with lime mortar and to replace any damaged stone. Replacing the damaged and low-quality roof. Alterations to existing roof. Replacement porch Replacing irreparable non-listed windows Replace modern manmade tiles in the fireplace with flag stones. Installing new flooring throughout the lower floor Replacement garage door Replacement front door Replacing the old and now dismantled summer house for a new garden office.
22/02995/FUL 11/11/2022 Permission with conditions The Cottage Rectory Lane Whatcote Warwickshire CV36 5EB External and internal works to include: Repointing of the cottage with lime mortar and to replace any damaged stone. Replacing the damaged and low-quality roof. Alterations to existing roof. Replacement porch Replacing irreparable non-listed windows Replacing the old and now dismantled summer house for a new garden office.
22/02972/FUL 06/10/2022 Permission with conditions Denwyn Ettington Road Whatcote Warwickshire CV36 5EB Single storey extension to rear, infill of existing garage door openings and erection of detached garage/store
22/01701/FUL 06/07/2022 Permission with conditions Land Off Whatcote Road Whatcote Road Shipston-On-Stour Whatcote Proposed construction of a new agricultural building (pole barn).
22/01823/LDP 20/06/2022 Application Withdrawn The Cottage Whatcote Shipston-on-Stour CV36 5EB Proposed preparing key features or replace existing features . e.g rotten windows, low quality non-original roof.
22/01820/FUL 20/06/2022 Planning Permission Refused 18 The Leys Whatcote Shipston-on-Stour CV36 5EG Extension of drop kerb to be installed to 18 The Leys, CV36 5EG.
22/01262/FUL 26/04/2022 Permission with conditions Yew Tree Cottage Church Lane Whatcote Shipston-on-Stour CV36 5EE Single storey side and rear extensions to create additional living space.
22/01117/FUL 11/04/2022 Permission with conditions Chapel Cottage Whatcote Shipston-on-Stour CV36 5EB Rear single storey extension to dwelling to form sitting room and single storey rear garage extension to form garden room
21/03725/LDP 23/11/2021 Proposed Lawful Development - Permitted 14 The Leys Whatcote CV36 5EG Permitted development installation of external wall insulation to all external elevations, with a brick effect render finish similar in appearance to the existing bricks
21/00717/FUL 04/03/2021 Permission with conditions Vine House Farm Whatcote Shipston-on-Stour CV36 5EF Erection of grain store and associated hardstanding
20/03614/FUL 16/12/2020 Permission with conditions The Old Rectory Rectory Lane Whatcote CV36 5EB Proposed erection of a single-storey classical orangery extension.
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