Stratford-on-Avon District Council
E-Planning System


Details about previous planning applications are currently provided from 1974 onwards. This service is not a substitute for a local land charges or NLIS search. The online planning history is incomplete and should not be relied upon e.g. in connection with a property transaction. In addition, the Council reserves the right to remove or not display certain information (e.g. contact details, signatures, financial and sensitive information) for confidentiality and other reasons. Use of the system is at the user’s own risk.

Search Results
30 applications found. Click the planning reference to display application details in full.
Reference Date Valid Status Address Proposal
HS2NMC/00049/24 23/08/2024 Pending Consideration HS2 Construction Site Radbourne Lane Ladbroke This application under Schedule 17 paragraph 21 seeks the approval of a non-material change to the works approved under HS2BW/00033/22
SCREEN/00096 19/04/2024 Pending Decision Paxhall Farm Upper Radbourne Southam CV47 1NQ Temporary stockpile
23/01716/FUL 29/06/2023 Planning Permission Refused Land At Paxhall Farm Welsh Road Upper Radbourne Southam CV47 1NA Temporary change of use of land for the storage and refurbishment of film industry cabins and associated works.
20/00066/FUL 21/04/2020 Permission with conditions Henley In Arden Sports Club Stratford Road Henley-in-Arden B95 6AB Application for the Change of Use and modifications to the Warwickshire College Sports Centre (D1), to create a new training base(F1(a) Outdoor Sports and Recreation and E(d) Indoor Sports and Recreation), together with car parking, pitch works, landscaping and associated development.
18/03021/AGNOT 11/10/2018 No Objection Radbourne Manor Farm Upper Radbourne Southam CV47 1NG General purpose agricultural building
HS2OCW/00006 20/09/2017 HS2 Approval with Conditions Radbourne Fish Ponds Lower Radbourne Development authorised by High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Act 2017. Works associated with the creation of the Radbourne Fish Pond Habitat Ecological Mitigation comprising earthworks (4 no. mitigationponds and 3 no. hibernacula) and fencing.
14/02886/VARY Appeal 17/10/2014 Appeal Allowed Maudes Hovel Upper Radbourne Southam CV47 1NQ Removal of Condition 2 (restriction to holiday accommodation only) of planning permission 10/00218/EXT (Conversion of redundant farm building into holiday let accommodation, renewal of planning permission 04/03918/FUL) in order to obtain unrestricted residential use of dwelling.
13/02105/ELEC 19/08/2013 No objection - Electricity Lower Radbourne Farm Lower Radbourne Southam CV47 1NH Dismantle existing cable and installation of new overhead electric cable.
10/00218/EXT 05/02/2010 Permission with conditions Maudes Hovel Upper Radbourne Southam Warwickshire CV47 1NQ Conversion of redundant farm building into holiday let accommodation, renewal of planning permission 04/03918/FUL
10/00002/AMD 06/01/2010 Approval of Non Material Amendment Maudes Hovel Upper Radbourne Southam Warwickshire CV47 1NQ Non material amendment for planning application 04/03918/FUL relating to conversion of an existing redundant farm building into holiday let accommodation (renewal of planning permission ref:00/00396/FUL).
08/01624/FUL 17/06/2008 Permission with conditions Radbourne Manor Farm Upper Radbourne Southam Warwickshire CV47 1NG Removal of existing redundant agricultural buildings and erection of new building for storing and drying grain and enlargement of existing hardstanding.
07/00632/FUL 01/03/2007 Permission with conditions Radbourne Cottage Farm Upper Radbourne Southam Warwickshire CV47 1NQ Alterations and extensions to 2 cottages
06/02207/FUL 08/08/2006 Permission with conditions Radbourne Cottage Farm Upper Radbourne Southam Warwickshire CV47 1NQ Erection of two replacement dwellings and garage building
06/01596/FUL 01/06/2006 Planning Permission Refused Radbourne Cottage Farm Upper Radbourne Southam Warwickshire CV47 1NQ Erection of 2 no replacement dwellings and garage building.
06/01022/FUL 06/04/2006 Application Withdrawn Radbourne Cottage Farm Upper Radbourne Southam Warwickshire CV47 1NQ Erection of 2 no. replacement dwellings and garage building.
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