Stratford-on-Avon District Council
E-Planning System


Details about previous planning applications are currently provided from 1974 onwards. This service is not a substitute for a local land charges or NLIS search. The online planning history is incomplete and should not be relied upon e.g. in connection with a property transaction. In addition, the Council reserves the right to remove or not display certain information (e.g. contact details, signatures, financial and sensitive information) for confidentiality and other reasons. Use of the system is at the user’s own risk.

Search Results
150 applications have been displayed, but there are more. To reduce the number of applications displayed, please be more specific with your search. Click the planning reference to display application details in full.
Reference Date Valid Status Address Proposal
24/02198/TREE 30/08/2024 Pending Consideration Grafton Cottage Ardens Grafton Alcester B49 6DR -T1 conifer - Fell. -T2 conifer - Fell.
24/02020/TREE 21/08/2024 Tree Consent with Conditions Old Well Cottage Ardens Grafton Alcester B49 6DR -G1, Group of conifers - reduce height from approximately 6 metres, to approximately 3 metres.
24/01665/TREE 22/07/2024 Tree Consent with Conditions 4 Church Bank Temple Grafton Alcester B49 6NU -T1 cherry - reduce height from 7 metres to 5.5 metres. Reduce spread of crown from 6 metres to 5 metres. Crown thin by approximately 20%, removing smaller leaders.
24/01749/TREE 15/07/2024 Tree Consent with Conditions Three Gables Ardens Grafton Alcester B49 6DR -G1 cypress conifers - Reduce height by approximately 3 metres, pruning back to previous reduction points. -G2 beech - Reduce height by approximately 1 metre.
24/01227/FUL 02/07/2024 Pending Consideration Temple Grafton C Of E School Church Bank Temple Grafton Alcester B49 6NU Installation of 2no. new Air Source Heat pumps with an additional fencing enclosure
24/01632/AGNOT 02/07/2024 Application Withdrawn South Lodge Binton Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 9UD Re-cladding of existing agricultural building
24/01163/LDE 09/05/2024 Pending Consideration Templar House Church Bank Temple Grafton Warwickshire B49 6NS Application for certificate of lawfulness . Dwelling constructed and completed not in accordance with planning permission reference 76/00750/FUL and free from the encumbrance of the planning conditions attached to planning permission reference 76/00750/FUL
24/00965/LDP 09/04/2024 Proposed Lawful Development - Permitted Stone Barn Wixford Road Bidford-on-Avon Alcester B50 4LQ Greenhouse to be erected to land.
24/00315/VARY 05/03/2024 Pending Consideration Templar House Temple Grafton Alcester B49 6NS Vary condition 4 of planning approval 76/00750/FUL dated 17/01/1977 to remove the agricultural occupancy condition. Original description of development: Proposed erection of agricultural workers dwelling.
24/00472/FUL 26/02/2024 Permission with conditions Church Bank, Cornerways 1 School Cottages Church Bank Temple Grafton Warwickshire B49 6NU Reconfiguration of existing access and off-street parking area and installation of replacement entrance gates
24/00210/FUL 30/01/2024 Permission with conditions 8 Church Bank Church Bank Temple Grafton Warwickshire B49 6NU Proposed single storey rear/side extension, revisions to existing garage, new single storey front/side extension.
23/03080/LBC 20/11/2023 Listed Building Consent Approved The Orchards Coxs Walk Ardens Grafton Warwickshire B49 6DR Single storey garage/conservatory extension (revised scheme to previous approvals 23/00560/FUL and 23/00561/LBC)
23/03079/FUL 16/11/2023 Permission with conditions The Orchards Coxs Walk Ardens Grafton Warwickshire B49 6DR Single storey garage/conservatory extension (revised scheme to previous approvals 23/00560/FUL and 23/00561/LBC)
23/02983/FUL 06/11/2023 Permission with conditions Rose Cottage Stratford Road Temple Grafton Warwickshire B50 4LU Proposed replacement garage extension
23/02940/TREE 30/10/2023 Tree Consent with Conditions Cider Mill House Temple Grafton Road Ardens Grafton Warwickshire B49 6DS -T1 Judas Tree - Fell/remove. -T2 Silver Birch - Fell/remove. -T3 Magnolia (Grandiflora) - Fell/remove.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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