Stratford-on-Avon District Council
E-Planning System


Details about previous planning applications are currently provided from 1974 onwards. This service is not a substitute for a local land charges or NLIS search. The online planning history is incomplete and should not be relied upon e.g. in connection with a property transaction. In addition, the Council reserves the right to remove or not display certain information (e.g. contact details, signatures, financial and sensitive information) for confidentiality and other reasons. Use of the system is at the user’s own risk.

Search Results
150 applications have been displayed, but there are more. To reduce the number of applications displayed, please be more specific with your search. Click the planning reference to display application details in full.
Reference Date Valid Status Address Proposal
24/02251/AMD 03/09/2024 Pending Consideration Cadbold Farmhouse Pillerton Priors Warwick CV35 0PQ Amendment to conditions 8 and 10 of planning permission 24/00746/OUT (date of decision 2/9/2024), to correct drawing numbers
24/02077/FUL 16/08/2024 Pending Consideration Nolands Farm Oxhill Warwick CV35 0RJ Proposed demolition of existing residential and ancillary buildings and the erection of a new single storey 3 bedroom dwelling.
24/01852/FUL 24/07/2024 Pending Consideration Windmill Hill Farm Banbury Road Pillerton Priors Warwick CV35 0PG Proposed reinstatement of a derelict outbuilding.
24/01853/LBC 24/07/2024 Pending Consideration Windmill Hill Farm Banbury Road Pillerton Priors Warwick CV35 0PG Proposed reinstatement of a derelict outbuilding.
24/01174/FUL 17/05/2024 Permission with conditions Nolands Farm Nolands Road Oxhill Warwickshire CV35 0RJ Construction of one residential self-build dwelling with associated works
24/00746/OUT 27/03/2024 Outline Planning Permission Permitted Land At Cadbold Farmhouse Pillerton Priors Warwick CV35 0PQ Outline application with all matters reserved except for access, for the erection of two self-build/custom build dwellings, formation of vehicular accesses from A422 Banbury Road, and all associated works
24/00364/ELEC 12/02/2024 Comments Sent The Green Bungalow Banbury Road Pillerton Priors Warwick CV35 0PB The diversion of the overhead electricity line to a new position approximately 20m to the north as per the green line on the plan. The existing pole heights will be used and the height of the line will not be increased. The line already has planning permission as part of the network infrastructure and the diversion will fall within the Exemption Regulations
24/00044/VARY 08/01/2024 Variation Permitted with Conditions Southfields Kineton Road Pillerton Priors Warwickshire CV35 0PQ Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 20/03031/FUL dated 6 January 2021 to fully enclose the building for security and protection from the elements (retrospective). Original description of development: Erection of an agricultural storage building for tractors, farm machinery, hay and feedstuffs.
23/02998/TEL28 07/11/2023 Comments Sent STREET RECORD Pillerton Priors Intention to install 1x 10m wooden poles (8.2 above ground) at Land opposite Ashfield, Kineton Road, CV35 0PH
23/02805/LBC 19/10/2023 Listed Building Consent Approved Stamford Hall Fosse Way Ettington Warwickshire CV37 7PA Internal adjustment to first floor layout and new minor works to ground floor.
23/02322/FUL 25/09/2023 Permission with conditions Nolands Farm Nolands Road Oxhill Warwickshire CV35 0RJ The erection of a stable building
23/01312/FUL 11/08/2023 Planning Permission Refused Land Adjoining Coverwell Farm Pillerton Hersey Change of use of land to provide 8 travelling showperson plots and associated works including hardstanding
23/01347/FUL 17/05/2023 Permission with conditions The Green Bungalow Banbury Road Pillerton Priors Warwickshire CV35 0PB Proposed detached double carport with home office.
23/00420/FUL 09/05/2023 Permission with conditions Stockleys Orchard Banbury Road Pillerton Priors Warwickshire CV35 0PG Change of use of annexe over garage to flexible use as either a holiday flat or as an ancillary annexe to the house, plus a car port extension and retrospective minor variations to the approved drawings
23/01185/VARY 28/04/2023 Variation Permitted with Conditions The Barn Fulready Lane Pillerton Priors Variation of conditions 2, 3, 7 and 11 of planning permission 22/00476/FUL (date of decision: 28/10/2022) to allow for minor amendments including re-siting of garage to Unit 1 attaching outbuilding to dwelling, change in ground floor fenestration of Unit 2, provision of habitable accommodation in roof voids of Units 1 and 2 with the addition of rooflights and windows in gables. Original description of development: Demolition of farm and light industrial buildings and erection of three new dwellinghouses with associated parking, amenity space, and landscaping in replacement of three dwellinghouses permitted under 21/00982/COUQ and 21/03389/NDAZ
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