Stratford-on-Avon District Council
E-Planning System


Details about previous planning applications are currently provided from 1974 onwards. This service is not a substitute for a local land charges or NLIS search. The online planning history is incomplete and should not be relied upon e.g. in connection with a property transaction. In addition, the Council reserves the right to remove or not display certain information (e.g. contact details, signatures, financial and sensitive information) for confidentiality and other reasons. Use of the system is at the user’s own risk.

Search Results
149 applications found. Click the planning reference to display application details in full.
Reference Date Valid Status Address Proposal
24/01272/FUL 22/05/2024 Permission with conditions Tolley Cottage Spring Lane Langley Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 0HW Two storey rear extension with new boundary treatment along Spring Lane frontage.
24/01197/LDE 14/05/2024 Existing Lawful Development - Permitted The Bell House Ford Lane Langley Warwickshire CV37 0HN Lawful confirmation that Building 1: Top corner (North) of paddock known as 'Land Lying to the East of Ford Lane', title number WK321582 was constructed and completed for a continuous period of at least four years prior to the submission of the application
24/00775/LDP 02/04/2024 Proposed Lawful Development - Permitted Flora Ford Lane Langley Warwickshire CV37 0HN Proposed apex roof over existing flat roof and the addition of an open wooden and tiled porch adjoining the proposed roof alterations. Similar products to be used in all cases.
24/00661/FUL 20/03/2024 Planning Permission Refused Land Adjacent To New House Farm Ford Lane Langley CV37 0HN Demolition of existing cattery and agricultural/ equestrian buildings, removal of areas of associated hardstanding; construction of detached dwelling with double carport and all other associated works
24/00535/FUL 19/03/2024 Application Withdrawn Flora Ford Lane Langley Warwickshire CV37 0HN Proposed pitched roof over existing flat roof and porch to front.
23/03167/LDE 27/11/2023 Existing Lawful Development - Permitted Beckfield Ford Lane Langley Warwickshire CV37 0HJ Use of building as ancillary accommodation incidental to the enjoyment of Beckfield
23/02609/FUL 23/10/2023 Permission with conditions Hall Farm Spring Lane Langley Warwickshire CV37 0HW Proposed extensions and alterations to farmhouse and stable range, including change of use of stable range to residential use as part of the dwelling house known as Hall Farm and closure of existing access
23/02184/AGNOT 15/08/2023 Agricultural Notification Refused Cherry Orchard Farm Spring Lane Langley Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 0HW Erection of agricultural barn
23/01785/FUL 06/07/2023 Permission with conditions Hill Farm Hill Farm Lane Langley Warwickshire CV37 0HW Internal and external changes to existing house ('The Main House') and outbuilding ('The Barn'); demolition of two-storey link building between the two and of conservatory to rear; construction of single-storey link building with roof terrace. Specific changes for which planning permission is being sought are as follows: The Main House: demolition of two dormer windows and replacement with one dormer window on courtyard elevation; demolition of existing porch and replacement with a new porch on courtyard elevation; demolition of existing lean-to roof to the bay window on courtyard elevation and replacement with flat roof; resized window openings to courtyard elevation at first-floor level; Closing of existing window opening to courtyard elevation at first floor level and replacement with new similar window opening in amended location; demolition of corner window to garden elevation and replacement with similar corner window; raising sill of the existing open doorway to the link-building to create a window to the courtyard; demolition of existing wall and opening between the conservatory and living room at ground floor level and replacement with a new wall between the link building and living room; new wall at first-floor level south elevation where house previously connected to demolished link building; resized opening at first-floor level south elevation to create doorway to link building roof-terrace. The Barn: Raising sill of the existing open doorway to the link building on the north elevation to create a window to the courtyard; new opening on the north elevation to create a doorway to link building, new opening on the East elevation to create a window, new opening on the south elevation to create doorway; demolition of one-storey lean-to structure on the south elevation; bricking up of existing doorway into lean-to structure; new opening on the south elevation to create a doorway.
23/01780/FUL 05/07/2023 Application Withdrawn Land Adjacent To New House Farm Ford Lane Langley CV37 0HN Demolition of existing cattery and agricultural/ equestrian buildings, removal of areas of associated hardstanding; construction of detached dwelling with double carport and all other associated works
23/01442/FUL 26/05/2023 Application Withdrawn Hall Farm Spring Lane Langley Warwickshire CV37 0HW Proposed extensions and alterations to farmhouse and stable range, including change of use of stable range to residential use as part of the dwellinghouse known as Hall Farm
23/00810/FUL 18/04/2023 Permission with conditions Lower Brook House Ford Lane Langley Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 0HN Erection of timber stable building with tack room and storage.
23/00497/FUL 22/02/2023 Pending Consideration Old Songar Cottage Langley Road Wootton Wawen Warwickshire B95 6DP Construction of detached garage and workshop with room over along with single storey addition to provide home gym.
23/00157/FUL 17/02/2023 Permission with conditions Hill Farm Hill Farm Lane Langley Warwickshire CV37 0HW Internal and external changes to existing annex 'The Dairy' and outbuilding 'The Granary'
22/03713/LBC 15/02/2023 Listed Building Consent Approved Forge Cottage Ford Lane Langley CV37 0HN Relocation of bathroom to create en-suite, creation of additional en-suite and installation of 2 new rooflights
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