Stratford-on-Avon District Council
E-Planning System


Details about previous planning applications are currently provided from 1974 onwards. This service is not a substitute for a local land charges or NLIS search. The online planning history is incomplete and should not be relied upon e.g. in connection with a property transaction. In addition, the Council reserves the right to remove or not display certain information (e.g. contact details, signatures, financial and sensitive information) for confidentiality and other reasons. Use of the system is at the user’s own risk.

Search Results
150 applications have been displayed, but there are more. To reduce the number of applications displayed, please be more specific with your search. Click the planning reference to display application details in full.
Reference Date Valid Status Address Proposal
24/02150/FUL 09/09/2024 Pending Consideration Hill House Snitterfield Road Hampton Lucy Warwick CV35 8AU Proposed garage extension and proposed porch to main dwelling.
24/01692/HRN 25/07/2024 Hedgerow notification refused In The Parish Of Hampton Lucy 10no. sections of hedgerow proposed to be removed are shown on Drawing Nos. STW-2023-06-AF-REF-Hatton Bank Hedge Removal (Plans 2-8). -Hedgerow 1: 40 metre section for removal at Easting 423585, Northing 258485. Hedgerow Retention Notice Served. Consent granted for section to be removed subject to replacement hedgerow planting being undertaken. -Hedgerow 2: 15 metre section for removal at Easting 424053, Northing 257923. Hedgerow Retention Notice Served. Consent granted for section to be removed subject to replacement hedgerow planting being undertaken. -Hedgerow 3: 15 metre section for removal at Easting 424410, Northing 257395. Consented - hedge not found to be important. -Hedgerow 4: 15 metre section for removal at Easting 424410, Northing 257387. Consented - hedge not found to be important. -Hedgerow 5: 15 metre section for removal at Easting 424539, Northing 257205. Consented - hedge not found to be important. -Hedgerow 6: 35 metre section for removal at Easting 424825, Northing 256455. Consented - hedge not found to be important. -Hedgerow 7: 20 metre section for removal at Easting 424942, Northing 255997. Consented - hedge not found to be important. -Hedgerow 8: 30 metre section for removal at Easting 424946, Northing 255983. Consented - hedge not found to be important. -Hedgerow 9: 10 metre section for removal at Easting 425236, Northing 255846. Consented - hedge not found to be important. -Hedgerow 10: 15 metre section for removal at Easting 425245, Northing 255846. Consented - hedge not found to be important. The removal of these sections of hedgerows/shelterbelts are required to facilitate the installation of a new replacement water pipeline from Hatton Bank to Wellesbourne. Once the works are completed, the hedgerows will be replanted like for like.
24/01759/FUL 15/07/2024 Pending Consideration Foxglove Cottage 32 Church Street Hampton Lucy Warwick CV35 8BE Enlargement and enclosure of a porch, retaining original thatched roof. Installation of a permeable resin driveway.
24/01590/FUL 27/06/2024 Permission with conditions 4 Hithersand Close Hampton Lucy Warwick CV35 8BW New flat roof porch extension, infilling between the house and rear of garage
24/01481/LDP 17/06/2024 Proposed Lawful Development - Permitted 1 The Close Hampton Lucy Warwick CV35 8AY Brick up certain existing doorways and windows, replace certain doors and windows.
24/00387/FUL 22/03/2024 Pending Consideration Avon Lodge Ryon Hill Warwick Road Stratford-Upon-Avon Warwickshire CV37 0NZ This application is for erection of one visitor accommodation building housing 5 self-contained units together with car and bicycle parking areas and all related utilities, site modifications and landscaping.
23/03400/LBC 15/12/2023 Permission with conditions Sandbarn Farm Snitterfield Road Hampton Lucy Warwickshire CV35 8AU Proposed new dining room/orangery extension
23/03399/FUL 15/12/2023 Permission with conditions Sandbarn Farm Snitterfield Road Hampton Lucy Warwickshire CV35 8AU Proposed new dining room/orangery extension
23/02578/FUL 02/10/2023 Permission with conditions 35 Church Street Hampton Lucy Warwick CV35 8BE Installation of single air source heat pump at the side of the property
23/02449/VARY 19/09/2023 Pending Consideration Hampton Crest Hampton Lucy Warwick CV35 8AT Variation of conditions 2, 6 and 7 of planning permission 17/01421/VARY dated 4th August 2017 to allow for changes to hard and soft landscaping. Planning permission 17/01421/VARY is an approved variation of 16/03443/VARY, which is an approved variation of 16/02034/FUL. Original description of development: Demolition of existing dwelling, garages and outbuildings and erection of a replacement dwelling and new dwelling including associated works and access (re-submission of 15/03798/FUL).
23/02485/FUL 18/09/2023 Permission with conditions Old Pastures Farm Stratford Road Hampton Lucy Warwickshire CV35 8BQ Construction of a rear extension to general agricultural building
23/01931/TDCMIN 20/07/2023 TDC Granted 1-6 Fairfax Cottages Warwick Road Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 0EN Application for Technical Details Consent following the grant of Permission in Principle 23/00459/PIP (demolition of five dwellings (nos. 1 - 5 Fairfax Cottages) and erection of 1 no. replacement dwelling).
23/01817/FUL 10/07/2023 Permission with conditions Grovefields House Grove Field Farm Road Hampton Lucy Warwickshire CV35 8AT Proposed erection of glass house
23/01829/AGNOT 09/07/2023 Prior approval is not required Grovefields House Hampton Lucy Warwick CV35 8AT Proposed erection of agricultural machinery store, dry storage building
23/01799/FUL 07/07/2023 Permission with conditions Old Pastures Farm Stratford Road Hampton Lucy CV35 8BQ Extension to packhouse and cold storage facility
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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