Stratford-on-Avon District Council
E-Planning System


Details about previous planning applications are currently provided from 1974 onwards. This service is not a substitute for a local land charges or NLIS search. The online planning history is incomplete and should not be relied upon e.g. in connection with a property transaction. In addition, the Council reserves the right to remove or not display certain information (e.g. contact details, signatures, financial and sensitive information) for confidentiality and other reasons. Use of the system is at the user’s own risk.

Search Results
150 applications have been displayed, but there are more. To reduce the number of applications displayed, please be more specific with your search. Click the planning reference to display application details in full.
Reference Date Valid Status Address Proposal
24/02026/FUL 12/08/2024 Pending Consideration Blossomfields Exhall Alcester B49 6EA Retrospective application for the new rear lead clad dormer, replacement door sets, new french doorset to the Master Bedroom and external insulated rendering system to external masonry walls.
24/01419/FUL 02/08/2024 Pending Consideration Land To The Rear Of Lilac/Broom Cottage Wixford Road Exhall Alcester B49 6EA Construction of 2 storey self and custom build home with associated landscaping.
24/01669/COUMA 05/07/2024 Change of Use PA Grant Ardenscroft Court Ardens Grafton Change of use of the buildings to 3 no. dwellinghouses
24/01537/TREE 21/06/2024 Tree Consent with Conditions Westring Exhall Alcester B49 6EA -T1 Acer - Remove.
23/02773/FUL 13/10/2023 Planning Permission Refused The Dutch Barn Glebe Farm Exhall Alcester B49 6EA Conversion of redundant farm building to form a detached dwelling with associated parking and amenity space
23/01805/FUL 18/07/2023 Application Withdrawn Little Britain Farm Ardens Grafton Road Little Britain Warwickshire B49 6DU Erection of stable block/agricultural storage and retention of boundary gates/fence (resubmission of 23/00008/FUL)
23/01901/TREE 17/07/2023 Tree Consent with Conditions 4 Exhall Court Farm Exhall Alcester B49 6EA -T1 to T5 ash - Reduce to hedge height.
23/01048/TREE 14/04/2023 Tree Consent with Conditions Hillborough House Exhall Alcester B49 6EA -T1 Gleditsia triacanthos - fell.
23/00990/FUL 13/04/2023 Permission with conditions Glebe Farm Exhall Alcester B49 6EA Conversion of a redundant farm building to provide a single unit of holiday let accommodation with associated parking and amenity space
23/00196/FUL 01/02/2023 Permission with conditions Exhall Court Mill Exhall Alcester B49 6EA Proposed family room and conservatory extension (existing conservatory to be removed).
23/00008/FUL 09/01/2023 Application Withdrawn Little Britain Farm Ardens Grafton Road Little Britain Warwickshire B49 6DU Planning application for erection of stable block
22/03124/TREE 20/10/2022 Tree Consent with Conditions Haybrook Wixford Road Exhall Warwickshire B49 6EA -G1 crab apple x3no. - Fell (alternative specification agreed with the applicant). -T1 lilac - Fell (alternative specification agreed with the applicant).
22/02969/TREE 06/10/2022 Tree Consent with Conditions Ivy Cottage Wixford Road Exhall Warwickshire B49 6EA -T1 cherry plum - Reduce left hand side of crown (as viewed from house) by approximately 2metres, to match right hand side of crown. -T2 hawthorn - Reduce height from 5metres to 4metres and spread from 6metres to 5metres.
22/02915/FUL 04/10/2022 Permission with conditions Ivydene Wixford Road Exhall Warwickshire B49 6EA Conversion of building into 1 x new dwelling.
22/02180/FUL 08/08/2022 Application Withdrawn Little Britain Barn Ardens Grafton Road Little Britain Warwickshire B49 6DU Single storey extension to an existing holiday let
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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