Stratford-on-Avon District Council
E-Planning System


Details about previous planning applications are currently provided from 1974 onwards. This service is not a substitute for a local land charges or NLIS search. The online planning history is incomplete and should not be relied upon e.g. in connection with a property transaction. In addition, the Council reserves the right to remove or not display certain information (e.g. contact details, signatures, financial and sensitive information) for confidentiality and other reasons. Use of the system is at the user’s own risk.

Search Results
150 applications have been displayed, but there are more. To reduce the number of applications displayed, please be more specific with your search. Click the planning reference to display application details in full.
Reference Date Valid Status Address Proposal
24/01924/LBC 31/07/2024 Pending Consideration Compton Verney House Estate Compton Verney Warwick CV35 9HZ Installation of flue pipe on service wing of office building extension to replace existing vent.
24/01923/FUL 31/07/2024 Pending Consideration Compton Verney House Estate Compton Verney Warwick CV35 9HZ Installation of flue pipe on service wing of office building extension to replace existing vent.
24/01704/LBC 27/06/2024 Listed Building Consent Approved Compton Verney Mansion Compton Verney Warwick CV35 9HZ Installation of rooftop solar panels on existing gallery extension and office building extension
24/01594/FUL 27/06/2024 Permission with conditions Compton Verney Mansion Compton Verney Warwick CV35 9HZ Installation of rooftop solar panels on existing gallery extension and office building extension
24/01008/LBP 03/05/2024 Application Withdrawn 1 The Coach House Compton Verney Warwick CV35 9HJ The Gutters and downpipes within the internal courtyard have had frequent problems from blockages, leaks and overspills during periods of heavy rain. Recent and more frequent thunderstorms have highlighted the lack of capacity of the existing cast iron pipe work. Guttering on the external faces of the Coach House is of a larger dimension and so far has coped well under all weather conditions.As owners of the Compton Verney Coach House freehold we would like to renew the existing pipe work and would like to consider the option of a slightly larger diameter system and also to replace the cast iron with a more modern alternative material.
24/00551/VARY 06/03/2024 Variation Permitted with Conditions Compton Verney House Estate Compton Hill Compton Verney Warwickshire CV35 9HZ Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 23/02144/FUL dated 31/10/2023 to change the siting of one of the approved temporary sculptures. Original description of development: Temporary installation of 7 sculptures (March 2024 to Nov. 2026)
23/02939/FUL 30/10/2023 Permission with conditions Compton Verney Art Gallery And Park Compton Verney Warwickshire CV35 9HZ The installation of a voltage optimisation unit (VOU) including cabinet and enclosures.
23/02701/FUL 06/10/2023 Permission with conditions Compton Verney House Estate Compton Hill Compton Verney Warwickshire CV35 9HZ Installation of sculpture
23/02561/TREE 21/09/2023 Tree Consent with Conditions 5 The Old Walled Garden Compton Verney Warwick CV35 9HJ -T1 snake bark maple - Reduce by approximately 2.5 metres. -T2 Gleditsia - Reduce by approximately 4 metres to suitable growth points. -T3 silver birch - Fell. -T4 pear (noted as apple) - Fell. -T5 rowan - Fell. -T6 swamp cypress - Fell.
23/02144/FUL 01/09/2023 Permission with conditions Compton Verney House Estate Compton Hill Compton Verney Warwickshire CV35 9HZ Temporary installation of 7 sculptures (March 2024 to Nov. 2026)
23/02114/TPO 08/08/2023 Tree Preservation Order - Approved Works Compton Verney House Estate Compton Verney Warwick CV35 9HZ Cedars Group G2 -T39 cedar: major deadwood top section to be removed, or reduced if stable. Tip, end-weight reduction on faulted limbs where necessary. -T40 cedar: reduction of remaining part of recently failed main stem at faulted section. Assessment of faulted limbs and unions with appropriate selective tip, end-weight reductions of limbs by less than 2metre. Removal of deadwood. Inspect and replace COBRA bracing if required. Limes Group G4 -T15 (1041) lime: reduce main upper stems and regrowth by 2-4metres, as indicated on submitted, annotated photograph. -"Horseshoe" lime group: selective deadwood reduction/removals of upper canopy "dead spires." Workshop area -W9 Willow adjacent to workshop area: Fell. (Dead. Replacement planting as required).
23/01968/LBC 24/07/2023 Listed Building Consent Approved Bay Tree House The Old Walled Garden Compton Verney Warwickshire CV35 9HJ Maintenance works to western wall. To include repointing, replacement of perished or missing bricks to restore integrity of the wall.
23/01693/FUL 10/07/2023 Permission with conditions Hillfields Farm Lighthorne Road Lighthorne Rough Lighthorne Warwickshire CV35 0BQ Erection of storage building for use in connection with existing kitchen and bathroom manufacturer
23/00525/TPO 22/02/2023 Tree Preservation Order - Approved Works The Orangery Compton Hill Compton Verney Warwickshire CV35 9HJ -T1 sycamore - Remove dead secondary growth(ivy) and crown clean to remove any major deadwood. -T2 sycamore - Remove dead secondary growth(ivy) and crown clean to remove any major deadwood. -T3 yew (largest of group) - Remove all major deadwood and clear basal/stem epicormic growth to 3metres above ground level. -T4 oak - Reduce lowest, lateral branch to the northeast, with basal branch wound, reducing by 1metre, from 7metres to 6metres in length. Crown clean to remove major deadwood. -T5 sycamore (noted as beech on application form) - Remove lowest, left lateral branch to northeast, from central stem and remove any major deadwood. -T6 Holm oak - Reduce height of tree by 0.3-0.6metres. Reduce spread of tree by up to 1metre, to prune back those areas of the crown, which grow beyond the main crown shape.
23/00089/TREE 12/01/2023 Tree Consent with Conditions The Coach House Compton Hill Compton Verney Warwickshire CV35 9HJ -G1 hazel coppice - Reduce height of all coppice stems back to previous height of 1.5metres. -T1 ash - Fell / remove. -T2 ash - Fell / remove. -T3 sycamore - Fell / remove. -T4 ash - Fell / remove. -T5 ash - Fell / remove. -T6 ash - Fell / remove. -T7 cherry - Fell / remove. -T8 cherry - Reduce crown by approx 1.5-2metres retaining crown spread of 5metres. -T9 field maple - Reduce crown by approx 1.5metres, retaining crown spread of 4metres. -T10 ash - Fell / remove. -T11 ash - Fell / remove. -T12 ash - Fell / remove. -T13 field maple - Reduce crown by approx 1.5-2metres retaining crown spread of 4metres. -T14 Leyland cypress - Fell / remove. -T15 ash - Fell / remove. -T16 field maple - Reduce crown by approx 1.5-2metres retaining crown spread of 4metres. -T17 ash - Fell / remove. -T18 Leyland cypress - Fell / remove. -T19 Leyland cypress - Fell / remove. -T20 field maple - Reduce crown by approx 1.5-2metres retaining crown spread of 4metres. -T21 ash - Fell / remove. -T22 yew - Reduce crown by approx 0.5-1metre retaining crown spread of 6metres.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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