Stratford-on-Avon District Council
E-Planning System
The new version of E-Planning is now available, the full release/switch over will be on Monday 17th February 2025

this version will be available to use until this date

You can access the new version now following the link Click here

To see a list of new features / improvements in the new system Click here


Details about previous planning applications are currently provided from 1974 onwards. This service is not a substitute for a local land charges or NLIS search. The online planning history is incomplete and should not be relied upon e.g. in connection with a property transaction. In addition, the Council reserves the right to remove or not display certain information (e.g. contact details, signatures, financial and sensitive information) for confidentiality and other reasons. Use of the system is at the user’s own risk.

Search Results
150 applications have been displayed, but there are more. To reduce the number of applications displayed, please be more specific with your search. Click the planning reference to display application details in full.
Reference Date Valid Status Address Proposal
25/00102/FUL 28/01/2025 Pending Consideration Land At Cow Common Farm Pittern Hill Kineton Warwick CV35 0JF Change of use of land from agricultural to a mixed use incorporating dog walking (sui generis) and agriculture. Further works to include the erection of a 1.9 metre high fence and the formation of hardstanding for parking
24/03274/FUL 13/01/2025 Pending Consideration Red House Kineton Warwick CV35 0JH Replacement of existing 20th century entrance porch with a single storey extension.
24/03275/LBC 24/12/2024 Pending Consideration Red House Kineton Warwick CV35 0JH Replacement of existing 20th century entrance porch with a single storey extension.
24/03258/TREE 23/12/2024 Tree Consent with Conditions 19 Combrook Warwick CV35 9HP -G1, mixed species hedge - Reduce height by 2 metres. -G2, mixed species hedge - Trim back driveway face and top, removing up to 2yrs growth. -G3, overhanging growth on carpark- Cut back overhanging branches in line with hedgerow. -G4, mid-tier garden hedgerow (from shed to retaining wall) - Reduce height to approximately 1.5 metres and cut back faces. -G5, apple, pear and Buddleia -Fell to allow location of new oil tank. -G6, 3no. apple trees - Reduce canopy back to previous reduction points.
24/02397/LBC 23/09/2024 Listed Building Consent Refused 19 Combrook Warwick CV35 9HP Rear extension linking outbuilding to main house and internal alterations to ground and first floors as indicated on plans.
24/02396/FUL 23/09/2024 Planning Permission Refused 19 Combrook Warwick CV35 9HP Rear extension linking outbuilding to main house and internal alterations to ground and first floors as indicated on plans.
24/02391/FUL 20/09/2024 Planning Permission Refused 20 Combrook Warwick CV35 9HP Demolition of existing single-storey lean-to kitchen, and construction of new flat roof dining room extension, and link to the conversion of the external store to create a kitchen
24/02392/LBC 20/09/2024 Listed Building Consent Refused 20 Combrook Warwick CV35 9HP Demolition of existing single storey lean to kitchen and construction of a new flat roof dining room extension and link to the conversion of the external outbuilding to create a kitchen
24/00003/FUL 18/01/2024 Permission with Conditions Fossedene Manor Fosse Way Fosse Bridge Combrook Warwickshire CV35 9HS Reinstatement of existing storage shed and conversion to 2no. holiday lets
23/03398/LDE 15/12/2023 Lawful Dev. Cert. Existing Refused The Little House 31 School Lane Combrook Warwickshire CV35 9HP Enlargement of parking area; erection of retaining wall
23/03190/LDP 12/12/2023 Proposed Lawful Development - Permitted Old School Cottage Combrook Warwick CV35 9HP To re-build collapsed garden wall of white lias stone as before
23/03249/FUL 04/12/2023 Permission with Conditions 41 Combrook Road Combrook Warwickshire CV35 9HP Single & two-storey rear extension and associated landscaping to existing dwelling.
23/02307/TREE 30/08/2023 Tree Consent with Conditions 42 Combrook Road Combrook Warwickshire CV35 9HP -T1 Spruce - Fell.
23/02116/TREE 10/08/2023 Tree Consent with Conditions 19 School Lane Combrook Warwickshire CV35 9HP -T2 rowan - Reduce canopy from 6.5metres to 5metres in height and spread. 15% thin of remaining canopy. -T3, T4 yew - Reduce from 4metres to 1.2metres in height and width.
23/02127/TREE 09/08/2023 Tree Consent with Conditions 20 Combrook Warwick CV35 9HP -T1 Lawson cypress - Fell to ground level.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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