Stratford-on-Avon District Council
E-Planning System
The new version of E-Planning is now available, the full release/switch over will be on Monday 17th February 2025

this version will be available to use until this date

You can access the new version now following the link Click here

To see a list of new features / improvements in the new system Click here


Details about previous planning applications are currently provided from 1974 onwards. This service is not a substitute for a local land charges or NLIS search. The online planning history is incomplete and should not be relied upon e.g. in connection with a property transaction. In addition, the Council reserves the right to remove or not display certain information (e.g. contact details, signatures, financial and sensitive information) for confidentiality and other reasons. Use of the system is at the user’s own risk.

Search Results
150 applications have been displayed, but there are more. To reduce the number of applications displayed, please be more specific with your search. Click the planning reference to display application details in full.
Reference Date Valid Status Address Proposal
25/00116/TREE 21/01/2025 Pending Consideration Ekhaya Friars Lane Lower Brailes Banbury OX15 5HU -T1 willow - Pollarding to reduce height. 10 metre reduction, to be taken from crown down to main trunk.
25/00035/AMD 08/01/2025 Approval of Non Material Amendment Land Adjacent The Clock House And Stonecroft Barn Upper Brailes Insertion of 4 rooflights to rear projection Changes to the windows appearance in the rear projection Changes to the size and location of patio doors in the rear elevation Changes to the design of the windows in the side elevation Addition of balustrade glazing in the rear
24/03149/FUL 11/12/2024 Permission with Conditions 54 Jeffs Close Lower Brailes Banbury OX15 5AL Proposed front extension, dropped kerb, with associated internal and extenal works.
24/03135/TREE 10/12/2024 Pending Consideration Rectory Farmhouse Rectory Lane Lower Brailes Banbury OX15 5HY -T1 apple - Fell.
24/03068/FUL 03/12/2024 Pending Consideration 3 Lower Green Lower Brailes Banbury OX15 5HZ Single storey rear extension and two storey side extension. Drop kerb.
24/02978/TREE 02/12/2024 Tree Consent with Conditions Lavender Cottage High Street Lower Brailes Banbury OX15 5HX T1 Yew - Reduce height and width 5 metres, to clear electric cables. T2 Horse Chestnut - Reduce height by 4 metres
24/03037/TREE 29/11/2024 Tree Consent with Conditions Underhill Farm Winderton Banbury OX15 5JF -G45, English oak x2no. - Fell to ground level.
24/02806/FUL 19/11/2024 Permission with Conditions Rectory Farmhouse Rectory Lane Lower Brailes Banbury OX15 5HY The building of an open design oak-framed porch with a lean-to roof with plain concrete tile roof covering
24/02475/OUT 13/11/2024 Application Withdrawn Lazy Moon Farm Upper Brailes Banbury OX15 5BA Erection of a single, detached two storey dwelling house and single storey garage with associated landscaping.
24/02897/LBC 13/11/2024 Pending Consideration Old Post Cottage High Street Lower Brailes Banbury OX15 5HN Internal works to accompany the consented change of use from post office to residential use (retrospective).
24/02875/AMD 12/11/2024 Refusal of Non Material Amendment Land Adjacent The Clock House And Stonecroft Barn Upper Brailes Non-material amendment to planning permission ref. 21/02613/FUL dated 28th January 2022 to change the approved windows, front entrance porch/hall design, and to amend the brick specification.
24/02759/FUL 30/10/2024 Pending Consideration Winderton Cottage High Street Lower Brailes Banbury OX15 5HW Proposed 2 dormer windows to front elevation, rear extensions along with loft conversion to form additional living accommodation.
24/02469/AGNOT 30/09/2024 AGNOT - Prior Approval not Required Shipston Fields Aylesmore Steel portal framed agricultural building
24/02211/FUL 03/09/2024 Permission with Conditions St Georges Church Lower Brailes New external oil boiler
24/02083/AGNOT 19/08/2024 AGNOT - Prior Approval Approved Winderton Farm Winderton Banbury OX15 5JF Rigid portal frame barn for storage of hay and straw. Fibre cement roof and juniper green box profile steel cladding
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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