Stratford-on-Avon District Council
E-Planning System


Details about previous planning applications are currently provided from 1974 onwards. This service is not a substitute for a local land charges or NLIS search. The online planning history is incomplete and should not be relied upon e.g. in connection with a property transaction. In addition, the Council reserves the right to remove or not display certain information (e.g. contact details, signatures, financial and sensitive information) for confidentiality and other reasons. Use of the system is at the user’s own risk.

Search Results
150 applications have been displayed, but there are more. To reduce the number of applications displayed, please be more specific with your search. Click the planning reference to display application details in full.
Reference Date Valid Status Address Proposal
24/01798/FUL 03/09/2024 Pending Consideration 21A Arden Road Henley-in-Arden B95 5LF Proposed single storey rear extension
24/02126/AGNOT 23/08/2024 Pending Consideration Field Liveridge Hill Henley-in-Arden Steel portal frame building, box profile clad from eaves to ground with a 5/6m roller shutter door.
24/01848/LDP 06/08/2024 Pending Consideration 9 Beldesert Close Henley-in-Arden B95 5JU Demolish existing glass conservatory and erection of single storey brick extension.
24/02042/TREE 30/07/2024 Tree Consent with Conditions Land Adjacent 28 Riverside Gardens Henley-in-Arden -T1 maple and T2 bird cherry - Reduce crown height from approximately 16 metres, to retain approximately 8-9 metres. Reduce crown spread from approximately 8 metres, to retain approximately 5-6 metres.
24/01877/HHPA 26/07/2024 Householder Prior Approval Not Required Grange Cottage Liveridge Hill Henley-in-Arden B95 5QX Single storey extension to create additional bedroom and additional living accommodation
24/01786/LDP 18/07/2024 Pending Consideration Parsonsfield Camp Lane Henley-in-Arden B95 5QJ Proposed two storey rear extension to existing dwelling house
24/01787/LDP 18/07/2024 Proposed Lawful Development - Permitted Parsonsfield Camp Lane Henley-in-Arden B95 5QJ Proposed outbuilding within properties boundary
24/01715/LDP 11/07/2024 Proposed Lawful Development - Permitted Holland Park Farm Buckley Green Henley-in-Arden B95 5QF Conversion of roof space to habitable accommodation (with 2no rear dormers and a roof light) with single storey side extension.
24/01613/VARY 01/07/2024 Pending Consideration Plot 3 Haven Pastures Liveridge Hill Henley-in-Arden B95 5QS Variation of conditions 2 and 3 of planning permission 18/02235/FUL, dated 27 September 2018 to amend the design including changing the front porch from a lean-to to a gable end, removal of stairs, landscaping changes and to change the standalone bat house to a garage / bat house. Original description: Erection of New Dwelling (effectively a substitute for a dwelling (Plot 3) approved under application 17/01134/FUL)
24/01320/LDP 29/05/2024 Proposed Lawful Development - Permitted 38 Meadow Road Henley-in-Arden B95 5LB Construction of single storey rear extension.
24/01222/AMD 21/05/2024 Application Withdrawn Plot 3 Haven Pastures Henley-in-Arden B95 5QS To vary the site plan of approved Application Ref: 24/00226/AMD and to vary condition 2 of Application Ref: 22/00622/VARY, to change the standalone bat house to a garage / bat house.
24/00619/FUL 08/03/2024 Permission with conditions 6 Castle Close Henley-in-Arden B95 5LR Side and rear extension following removal of side lean-to and rear conservatory.
24/00491/TREE 24/02/2024 Tree Consent with Conditions Alne House Beaudesert Lane Henley-in-Arden B95 5JY -T1 Magnolia - Prune crown by up to 1 metre in height, to approximately 4-4.5 metres. -T2 willow - Re-pollard to previous height of approximately 3 metres.
24/00226/AMD 08/02/2024 Approval of Non Material Amendment Haven Manor Haven Pastures Liveridge Hill Henley-in-Arden B95 5QS Non-material amendment to previously granted planning permission 22/00622/VARY to remove the basement, associated access stairs and balustrade and extend the patio hardstanding (Revise plan numbers of condition 1)
24/00267/AGNOT 07/02/2024 Agricultural Notification Approved Park Farm Birmingham Road Henley-In-Arden B95 5QB Erection of access track.
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