Stratford-on-Avon District Council
E-Planning System


Details about previous planning applications are currently provided from 1974 onwards. This service is not a substitute for a local land charges or NLIS search. The online planning history is incomplete and should not be relied upon e.g. in connection with a property transaction. In addition, the Council reserves the right to remove or not display certain information (e.g. contact details, signatures, financial and sensitive information) for confidentiality and other reasons. Use of the system is at the user’s own risk.

Search Results
150 applications have been displayed, but there are more. To reduce the number of applications displayed, please be more specific with your search. Click the planning reference to display application details in full.
Reference Date Valid Status Address Proposal
24/02099/VARY 20/08/2024 Pending Consideration Silver Birches Willington Shipston-on-Stour CV36 5AS Application Reference Number: 23/02513/FUL Date of Decision: 05/12/2023 Condition Number(s): 2 Conditions(s) Removal: Please refer to submitted supporting statement for full details. Various changes are proposed to the approved scheme that the applicant seeks approval for. This includes alterations to window and door sizes and details, omission of the dormer windows, replacing with roof lights and change to the roofing material profile. We wish for the condition to be varied to state that the approved drawings are updated to :- 23-025 - 05A, 06A, 07A, 08A and 09A.
24/01688/AGNOT 09/07/2024 Agricultural Notification Approved Midland Slurry Systems Limited Tushbrook Fields Farm Barcheston Village Road Barcheston Shipston-on-Stour CV36 5AZ Steel portal framed mono pitched open fronted agricultural lean to.
23/02984/FUL 04/07/2024 Permission with conditions Spring House Willington Village Road Willington Barcheston Warwickshire CV36 5AS New vehicular access
24/00911/LBC 08/05/2024 Listed Building Consent Approved The Byre 4 Manor Barns Barcheston Shipston-on-Stour CV36 5AY Addition of a Rear Extension, amendment to the Utility Room, accommodation above it at first floor - reconfiguration of modern internal partitions and Proposed timber Studio and Shed in rear garden.
24/00910/FUL 08/05/2024 Permission with conditions The Byre 4 Manor Barns Barcheston Shipston-on-Stour CV36 5AY Addition of a Rear Extension, amendment to the Utility Room, accommodation above it at first floor - reconfiguration of modern internal partitions and Proposed timber Studio and Shed in rear garden.
24/00244/FUL 31/01/2024 Permission with conditions Barcheston Grounds Farm, Agricultural Building Land Adjacent To Brailes Road Honington Warwickshire CV36 5AZ Full application for the demolition of an agricultural barn with class Q planning consent for a dwelling and the erection of a new dwelling in the same location
23/02513/FUL 20/09/2023 Permission with conditions Silver Birches Willington Road Willington Warwickshire CV36 5AS Proposed single and two-storey extensions, new roof with dormer windows, new detached garage with store over, and cosmetic improvements
23/02089/FUL 05/09/2023 Planning Permission Refused Land Adjacent To Fell Mill House Fell Mill Lane Shipston-on-Stour CV36 5AD New two storey detached dwelling consisting of ground floor living space with garage. First floor, five bedrooms, one en-suite and bathroom.
23/00681/COUQ 02/03/2023 Change of Use PA Grant Agricultural Building Land Adjacent To Barcheston Grounds Farm Barcheston Prior Approval for the change of use of an agricultural building into one dwelling (C3) and associated operational development under Class Q parts (a) and (b) of the GPDO
22/03423/LDE 21/11/2022 Existing Lawful Development - Permitted The Green Manor Farm Cottage Willington Shipston-on-Stour CV36 5AS Use of Manor Farm Cottage and The Green as two separate dwellinghouses for a period of at least four years prior to the date of the application
22/03125/FUL 20/10/2022 Permission with conditions Barcheston Grounds Farm Brailes Road Honington Warwickshire CV36 5AZ Change of use of land to residential to facilitate installation of 2 Air Source Heat Pumps to serve the converted barn approved under ref. 20/02669/COUQ
22/02983/FUL 06/10/2022 Permission with conditions Old Mill House Village Road Barcheston Warwickshire CV36 5AY Erection of replacement dwelling
22/02323/FUL 02/08/2022 Permission with conditions Borough Hill Farm Barcheston Village Road Barcheston Shipston-on-Stour CV36 5AZ Conversion of agricultural buildings to offices and B8 storage and distribution, including repositioning of two buildings and alterations to existing access
22/02322/FUL 02/08/2022 Permission with conditions Borough Hill Farm Barcheston Village Road Barcheston Shipston-on-Stour CV36 5AZ Extend existing living accommodation into existing barn, new garage and change of use of courtyard from agricultural to residential
22/01865/VARY 14/06/2022 Application Withdrawn Green End Farm Willington Shipston-on-Stour CV36 5AS Variation of condition two (approved plans) of planning permission 20/02612/FUL (determined 30.11.2021) to allow change to facing materials. Original description of development: erection of one local market dwelling and all associated works
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