Stratford-on-Avon District Council
E-Planning System


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Search Results
108 applications found. Click the planning reference to display application details in full.
Reference Date Valid Status Address Proposal
22/01634/LBC 30/05/2022 Listed Building Consent Approved 4 The Old Rectory Atherstone-on-Stour Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 8NE Replacement of modern softwood windows with new hardwood windows, replacement of uPVC front door with new painted hardwood door and surround.
22/01633/FUL 30/05/2022 Permission with conditions 4 The Old Rectory Atherstone-on-Stour Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 8NE Replacement of modern softwood windows with new hardwood windows, replacement of uPVC front door with new painted hardwood door and surround.
21/00923/LBP 18/03/2021 Listed Build - Prop Lawful Dev Granted 4 The Old Rectory Atherstone-on-Stour Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 8NE Roof repairs to match the existing, including removal & relaying of existing slate tiles, replacement of individual slates to match existing as required due to condition, installation of breathable underlay with new battens, installation of lead flashing reusing existing lead where possible subject to condition
21/00737/TPO 02/03/2021 Tree Preservation Order - Approved Works Cutlin Mill Cottage Atherstone-on-Stour Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 8NE -T1 walnut - Reduce to a standing monolith at c.4m and retain as standard deadwood habitat. Replant with walnut.
21/00453/LBC 10/02/2021 Listed Building Consent Approved 1 The Old Rectory Atherstone Road Atherstone-On-Stour CV37 8NE Replacement windows to west elevation for single-glazed timber sash frames; replacement of windows and doors to north and east elevations for double-glazed uPVC frames; internal remodelling of ensuite and bathroom partitions; replacement fire surround and fire; installation of sun tube
19/02446/LBC 24/09/2019 Listed Building Consent Approved 3 The Old Rectory Atherstone Road Atherstone-On-Stour CV37 8NE Replace 3no. windows on front elevation at second floor to match existing, create opening in brick infill to window reveal on second floor, and repair of all other windows on front elevation at ground and first floors
18/03781/FUL 21/12/2018 Permission with conditions Camgrain Store Atherstone Airfield Atherstone-On-Stour CV37 8BE Alterations to the western bund landscaping area, located to the western boundary of the Oil Seed Processing Facility (Retrospective).
17/03697/LBC 12/12/2017 Listed Building Consent Approved 5 The Old Rectory Atherstone Road Atherstone-On-Stour CV37 8NE Replace sash windows, replace incorrect lower sash to original window, repair original sash windows, replace front door leaf and restore frame.
17/03696/FUL 12/12/2017 Permission with conditions 5 The Old Rectory Atherstone Road Atherstone-On-Stour CV37 8NE Replace sash windows, replace incorrect lower sash to original window, repair original sash windows, replace front door leaf and restore frame
17/01982/FUL 04/07/2017 Application Withdrawn 5 The Old Rectory Atherstone Road Atherstone-On-Stour CV37 8NE Replace modern sash windows Replace incorrect lower sash to original window Repair original sash windows Replace front door leaf and restore frame
17/01983/LBC 04/07/2017 Application Withdrawn 5 The Old Rectory Atherstone Road Atherstone-On-Stour CV37 8NE Replace modern sash windows Replace incorrect lower sash to original window Repair original sash windows Replace front door leaf and restore frame
17/01143/FUL 18/04/2017 Permission with conditions Arable Crop Marketing (Midlands) Ltd Atherstone Airfield Atherstone-On-Stour CV37 8BE Proposed wood processing yard and oilseed related storage facilities (situated adjacent to an existing consented facility which comprises a biomass energy plant and a rapeseed processing operation). The proposed development includes an access route from an established access road, hard-surfaced circulation areas, landscape bund with planting proposals, wood storage yard, car parking, flat store extension, further storage building, vegetable oil storage tanks, bunded storage tanks for process-related liquids, fire water tank, swale and other ancillary tanks, plant and equipment as shown on the proposed site layout.
16/03654/VARY 16/11/2016 Variation Permitted with Conditions Arable Crop Marketing (Midlands) Ltd Atherstone Airfield Atherstone-On-Stour CV37 8BE Variation of condition 2 of planning permission reference 13/00952/FUL dated 18 September 2013 relating to Change of use from agricultural land adjacent to existing storage (B8) facility to oil seed processing and solid biomass drying (B2) with erection of single storey building to accommodate the processing of oil seeds into vegetable oils and oil seed cake co-products (B2) and for the production of renewable energy from solid biomass fuels for heating, drying and processing and for powering the above operations, the existing adjacent B8 grain store and for the sale of surplus energy, the provision of ancillary car parking areas, boundary fencing, landscaping bund and external solid biomass storage area, to provide a revised layout and minor changes to appearance of the development.
16/02497/AMD 29/07/2016 Approval of Non Material Amendment Arable Crop Marketing (Midlands) Ltd Atherstone Airfield Atherstone-on-Stour Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 8BE Non material amendment to the development approved under reference 13/00952/FUL to amend the design of the proposal as follows: i) A minor change in the siting of the building; ii) Alterations to the northern elevation of the building, to step-out by 2 metres along a 24 metre-long section of the western end; iii) reduce the length of the building from 100 metres to 93 metres and an increase in depth of the building from 30 metres to 32 metres; iv) internal layout changes v) changes to the external yard infrastructure; vi) minor changes to the internal face of the landscape bund as a result of the slight shift of the building southwards
15/04438/AMD 15/12/2015 Approval of Non Material Amendment Arable Crop Marketing (Midlands) Ltd Atherstone Airfield Atherstone-on-Stour Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 8BE Proposed non-material amendment to approved flat store A and change to layout of weighbridges and office area of planning permission reference 10/01669/FUL dated 04.10.10 relating to the Reconfiguration and modernisation of existing grain storage and drying facility. Erection of two additional flat storage buildings, 11 additional storage silos, 3 overhead bulk loading silos, grain intake machinery building, weighbridge office and associated landscaping and ancillary works
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