Stratford-on-Avon District Council
E-Planning System
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Search Results
148 applications found. Click the planning reference to display application details in full.
Reference Date Valid Status Address Proposal
24/03129/FUL 10/01/2025 Pending Consideration Brookside 57 Evesham Street Alcester B49 5DR Two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, and internal alterations.
25/00041/TREE 08/01/2025 Pending Consideration Coombe Cottage 71 Priory Road Alcester B49 5EA -T1 sycamore - Crown reduction to reduce the overall height of the tree to about 12 metres.
25/00023/TREE 07/01/2025 Pending Consideration 42 School Road Alcester B49 5DF -T2 beech - Fell. -T4 beech - Fell. -T6 spruce - Fell.
24/03103/LDP 02/01/2025 Pending Consideration Kingshurst Kings Coughton Alcester B49 5QQ To station a caravan within the curtilage of the existing dwelling house. To allow for accommodation during refurbishment of the existing property and ancillary accommodation for visiting family members.
24/03079/FUL 04/12/2024 Pending Consideration Alcester Town Football Club Stratford Road Oversley Green Alcester B49 6LN Installation of a new LED floodlighting system to the existing main pitch at Alcester Town FC.
24/03048/TREE 03/12/2024 Tree Consent with Conditions 1 Moorfield Road Alcester B49 5DA -T1 Ash - Prune back to previous reduction points.
24/03070/TPO 03/12/2024 Pending Consideration Alcester Tennis Club Moorfield Road Alcester -T10 horse chestnut - Reduce height from 16 metres to 10 metres, where secondary canopy exists. Reduce lateral growth by 2-3 metres to shape. -T13 lime - Reduce canopy from 16 metres to 10 metres. -T14 sycamore - Reduce canopy from 16 metres to 10 metres. -T15 lime - Reduce canopy from 16 metres to 10 metres.
24/02972/FUL 21/11/2024 Pending Consideration Ridge View Allimore Lane Alcester B49 5PR The demolition of an existing single storey utility and boiler room for a proposed two storey side extension.
24/02872/LDP 11/11/2024 Lawful Dev. Cert Proposed Refused 22 Ropewalk Alcester B49 5DD Removal the existing flat roof to the existing garage and the construction of a new pitched roof, and creation of storage area which is to include a rooflight on the front elevation.
24/02888/TREE 08/11/2024 Tree Consent with Conditions 45 Priory Road Alcester B49 5EA -T1 spruce - Fell.
24/02846/AMD 07/11/2024 Refusal of Non Material Amendment Oversley Mill Services Alcester Bypass Alcester B49 6PQ Variation of condition 2 of planning permission 23/01217/VARY
24/02837/LDP 06/11/2024 Proposed Lawful Development - Permitted 20 Henley Street Alcester B49 5QY Proposal consists of internal alterations, converting an existing garage into additional family living space
24/02838/FUL 06/11/2024 Pending Consideration Lloyds Bank TSB Plc Stratford Road Alcester B49 5AX Removal of external signage and an external ATM
24/02779/AMD 01/11/2024 Approval of Non Material Amendment Oversley Mill Services Alcester Bypass Alcester B49 6PQ Alteration of the trigger point of condition 3, removing reference to being prior to commencement
24/02665/FUL 21/10/2024 Permission with Conditions Waters Edge Tibbets Close Meeting Lane Alcester B49 5QU A small single storey rear extension with material changes to the rear elevations and a Juliette balcony
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


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