Application Reference
10no. sections of hedgerow proposed to be removed are shown on Drawing Nos. STW-2023-06-AF-REF-Hatton Bank Hedge Removal (Plans 2-8).
-Hedgerow 1: 40 metre section for removal at Easting 423585, Northing 258485. Hedgerow Retention Notice Served. Consent granted for section to be removed subject to replacement hedgerow planting being undertaken.
-Hedgerow 2: 15 metre section for removal at Easting 424053, Northing 257923. Hedgerow Retention Notice Served.
Consent granted for section to be removed subject to replacement hedgerow planting being undertaken.
-Hedgerow 3: 15 metre section for removal at Easting 424410, Northing 257395. Consented - hedge not found to be important.
-Hedgerow 4: 15 metre section for removal at Easting 424410, Northing 257387. Consented - hedge not found to be important.
-Hedgerow 5: 15 metre section for removal at Easting 424539, Northing 257205. Consented - hedge not found to be important.
-Hedgerow 6: 35 metre section for removal at Easting 424825, Northing 256455. Consented - hedge not found to be important.
-Hedgerow 7: 20 metre section for removal at Easting 424942, Northing 255997. Consented - hedge not found to be important.
-Hedgerow 8: 30 metre section for removal at Easting 424946, Northing 255983. Consented - hedge not found to be important.
-Hedgerow 9: 10 metre section for removal at Easting 425236, Northing 255846. Consented - hedge not found to be important.
-Hedgerow 10: 15 metre section for removal at Easting 425245, Northing 255846. Consented - hedge not found to be important.
The removal of these sections of hedgerows/shelterbelts are required to facilitate the installation of a new replacement water pipeline from Hatton Bank to Wellesbourne. Once the works are completed, the hedgerows will be replanted like for like.
Application Type
Hedgerow Notification
Hedgerow Notification Refused
Hedgerow Notification Refused
Date Decision Issued
Additional | Adjoining Parishes
Due to current high level workloads the target date for determination is only a guideline for the planning officer to make a decision.
Application Received
Target Date for Determination
Application Valid
Revised Target Date for Determination
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Expiry Date for Neighbour Notifications
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Expiry Date for Standard Consultations
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Date Decision Issued
Overall Expiry Date
Permission Expiry Date
Committee Date
Applicant Company
Severn Trent Water Limited
Agent's Name
Mr Maxwell Griffin
Agent's Address
The Estates Office
Norman Court
Ivanhoe Business Park
LE65 2UZ
Agent's Company
Fisher German LLP