Application Reference
Manor House
Henley Road
Great Alne
B49 6HR
View Map
-T1 Lawson cypress: Prune away from garage, to provide 0.5metre clearance.
-T2 yew: Lift western crown to give 1.0metre clearance of garage roof.
-T12 Lawson cypress: Prune away from BT phone lines, to provide 0.3metre clearance,
-T15 Laburnum: Prune west crown from BT phone lines to give 0.5metre clearance.
-T17 hawthorn - Prune west crown away from BT phone lines give 1metre clearance.
-T21 goat willow - Fell to near ground level.
-T25 Scots pine: Raise low north east side canopy to provide 1metre clearance of overhead utility line. Crown thin by approximately 10% and remove deadwood.
-T26 horse chestnut: Reduce in height by 3metres. Reduce east and south side lateral canopy spread by 3metres to balance.
-T34 ash: Fell to near ground level.
-T38 hawthorn: Fell to near ground level.
-T40 horse chestnut: Reduce lowest lateral limb to east by 2-3metres.
-T48 box elder: Reduce in height and west side lateral canopy spread by approximately 2metres. Remove dead, suspended branch.
-T50 wych elm - Fell.
-T51 yew: Lift northeast crown to provide 3metre clearance over driveway.
-T57 hawthorn: Prune away from neighbouring property by 1metre.
-T59 Lawson cypress: Fell to near ground level.
-T64 Lawson cypress: Fell to near ground level.
-T67 horse chestnut: Fell to near ground level.
-T69 weeping silver lime: Reduce in height and spread by approximately 2metres.
-G4, elm and ash: Fell to near ground level.
Additional work:
-T8 clipped box: Fell.
Application Type
Notification for works to trees in CA
Tree Consent with Conditions
Tree Consent with Conditions
Date Decision Issued
Additional | Adjoining Parishes
There are no councillors for this ward. |
Due to current high level workloads the target date for determination is only a guideline for the planning officer to make a decision.
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Target Date for Determination
Application Valid
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Date Decision Issued
Overall Expiry Date
Permission Expiry Date
Committee Date
Applicant Name
Claire Linfoot
Applicant Company
Linfoot Country Homes Ltd
Agent's Name
Mr Lisle Maiden
Agent's Address
74 Meer Stones Road
Agent's Company
Acre Tree Management