Application Reference
21-22 Hill Cottage
School Lane
CV35 9HPView Map
-T1 silver birch - Prune off 2no. broken branches - works already undertaken to make safe.
-T2 bay - Reduce height by 1metre and shape, in accordance with submitted, annotated photograph.
-T3 holly - Reduce spread around base by 10%, retaining height.
-T4 apple - Crown reduction of approximately 50%, reducing height by approximately 2.5metres (plus notification of one branch, which fell in storms). (You are advised to undertake the reduction in two phases, removing no more than 25% of the crown at any one time.)
-T5 unspecified woody shrubs x2no. - Prune and maintain reducing by 30%.
-T6 apple - Reduce crown by approximately 50%, reducing height by 2.5metres. (You are advised to undertake the reduction in two phases, removing no more than 25% of the crown at any one time.)
-T7 apple - Reduce crown by approximately 50%, reducing height by 2metres.
-T8 apple - Reduce crown by approximately 50%, reducing height by 1.5metres.
-T9 apple - Remove, or reduce and retain for habitat value.
-T10 fruit tree, (plum) - Crown reduce by approximately 50%, reducing height by 3metres. (You are advised to undertake the reduction in two phases, removing no more than 25% of the crown at any one time.)
-T11 fruit tree, (damson) - Crown reduction by approximately 50% reducing height by 2metres.
-T12 pear - Crown reduce by approximately 30%, reducing height by 1metre.
-T13 apple - Remove.
-T14 apple - Crown reduce by approximately 50%, reduce height by 2metres.
-T15 unspecified - Dead tree, remove.
Once the desired crown shape has been achieved, either by initial reduction works, or phased reduction over two seasons, the trees can be annually pruned by the removal of water shoots, for fruit production purposes only.
Application Type
Notification for Works to Trees in CA
Tree Consent with Conditions
Tree Consent with Conditions
Date Decision Issued
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