Stratford-on-Avon District Council
E-Planning System


Details about previous planning applications are currently provided from 1974 onwards. This service is not a substitute for a local land charges or NLIS search. The online planning history is incomplete and should not be relied upon e.g. in connection with a property transaction. In addition, the Council reserves the right to remove or not display certain information (e.g. contact details, signatures, financial and sensitive information) for confidentiality and other reasons. Use of the system is at the user’s own risk.

Application Reference
Long Marston Airfield Campden Road Lower Quinton Stratford-upon-Avon CV37 8LL View Map
Outline application (with all matters reserved) for a phased development comprising up to 3,100 new homes (Class C2/C3), employment (Use Classes B1(a)-(c)) including a business park of approximately 5.7ha (gross) and further employment space/land within mixed-use areas, village centre comprising a range of uses (Use Classes A1-A5/B1(a)/D1/D2), plus two primary schools and one secondary school. Provision of new open space including parks and amenity space. Provision of a new access junction from Campden Road. Associated infrastructure, utilities, engineering and landscaping works including sustainable drainage systems. The proposal incorporates the demolition/removal of the runways and other hardstanding and identified existing structures. 
Application Type
Outline Application 
Pending Consideration 
Date Decision Issued
Case Officer
Neil Hempstead 
Long Marston 
Additional | Adjoining Parishes
Current Ward
Long MarstonView Councillors
Name   Phone
Councillor S Keighley  
Due to current high level workloads the target date for determination is only a guideline for the planning officer to make a decision.
Application Received
Target Date for Determination
Application Valid
Revised Target Date for Determination
Neighbour Notifications sent on
Expiry Date for Neighbour Notifications
Standard Consultations sent on
Expiry Date for Standard Consultations
Site Notice posted on
Site Notice Expires
Last Advertised on
Herald Advert Expires
Date Decision Issued
Overall Expiry Date
Permission Expiry Date
Committee Date
Applicant Name
Mr Michael Emett 
Applicant Address
Applicant Company
CALA Homes (Midlands) Limited 
Agent's Name
Mr Martin Taylor 
Agent's Address
14 Regent's Wharf All Saints Street London NI 9RL 
Agent's Phone
Agent's Company
  • Mr Nick Small - Stagecoach
  • Highways England
  • Network Rail
  • Network Rail Abnormal Loads
  • Stratford Rail Transport Group - John Morgan
  • Avon Rail Link Group - Alan Bevan
  • Railfuture - Andrew McCallum
  • Cotswold Line Promotion Group - John Ellis
  • Great Western Railway - Tom Pierpoint
  • Stratford Greenway Group - Tom Baxter
  • WCC - Rights Of Way
  • Ramblers Association - Michael Bird
  • Sustrans
  • WCC - Cycling Officer Dan Morris
  • Off Route Airspace 5
  • National Air Traffic Services
  • The British Horse Society FAO Heather Clatworthy
  • Head Of Environmental Health
  • Arups
  • Conservation - Allen Firth
  • Historic England
  • English Heritage Parks And Gardens
  • Warwickshire Gardens Trust
  • Lead Local Flood Authority
  • Severn Trent Water - East
  • Social Inclusion Partnership
  • Stratforward
  • Stratford Society
  • Cotswold District Council
  • Wychavon District Council
  • The National Amenity Societies
  • Arqiva
  • British Broadcasting Corporation
  • BT Group Plc
  • Western Power Distribution (West Midlands) Plc
  • National Gas Transmission
  • Mr Tom Guha - Cycling Uk
  • Coventry And Warwickshire Clinical Commissioning Group
  • NHS Property Services Ltd
  • South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust
  • WCC - Public Health
  • David Sherwood - Extra Care Programme Lead
  • Dept Of Environment Food And Rural Affairs
  • Sandra Ford - Homes England
  • Coventry & Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership
  • WCC Fire And Rescue Service
  • Crime Prevention Design Advisor
  • Governance And Community Safety Manager
  • Sport England
  • WCC - Infrastructure Delivery - S106 Queries
  • Ward Member
  • English Heritage
  • Cllr M Brain
  • Cllr I Seccombe
  • Cllr K Rolfe
  • Cllr J Fradgley
  • Cllr J Clarke
  • Cllr M Cargill
  • Cllr A Parry
  • Cllr C Williams
  • Cllr J Barker
  • Honeybourne Parish Council
  • Mickleton Parish Council
  • Pebworth Parish Council
  • Weston-sub-Edge Parish Council
  • Planning Department Enforcement Section
  • Warwickshire Police
  • Andrew Morgan
  • Waste And Recycling Officer
  • Accessible Stratford
  • Policy Advice
  • National Trust
  • Stratford Voice
  • The Woodland Trust
  • Forestry Commission
  • WCC Forestry
  • Jon Radley - Keeper Of Geology
  • Environment Agency - Central Area Planning Team
  • Ministry Of Defence - Planning Applications
  • Nadhim Zahawi
  • British Trust For Ornithology
  • Open Spaces Society (FAO Kate Ashbrook)
  • RSPB
  • SUDs Adoption - Construction Manager
  • Housing Policy
  • County Planning Authority - Minerals And Waste
  • County Planning Authority
  • White Consultants
  • Cotswolds Conservation Board
  • Mr N Butler
  • Ecological Services - David Lowe
  • Natural England
  • Warwickshire Wildlife Trust
  • Local Highway Authority
  • Warwickshire Police - Road Safety
  • Worcestershire County Council - Transport
  • Gloucestershire County Council
  • Parish Council

As part of the planning process, we (“Stratford on Avon District Council”) will publish on our website and generally make publically available any representations that you make.

Please note that any query raised by third party representations will not routinely be responded to by the case officer.

We do this in the exercise of our official authority as a local planning authority.

Before we publish representations online, we endeavour to redact signatures, telephone numbers, email addresses and any sensitive information (e.g. relating to health or finance). We may also redact any comments which we believe may be considered defamatory or offensive. However, please note that representations are treated as public information and will normally be posted on our website. Therefore, when making representations please only provide information (including personal details) which you are happy for other people to view.

We will use the email address that you provide to acknowledge receipt of your representation and for any other future correspondence. You will not receive any paper copies.

Your information will not be used for any other purpose except as permitted or required by law.

Representations made by third parties will be removed from our website after a decision has been made on a planning application. All representations will be retained in our archives and public access may be granted upon request. For our contact details, those of our Data Protection Officer, and further information on how we handle your data including details of how to access your data rights (e.g. the right to have inaccurate information corrected, your rights to complain, etc.) – please see our privacy notice.



The documents held on this system are variously subject to third party intellectual property rights and the Council’s own intellectual property rights. These documents are to be used for reference purposes only. By accessing this system, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and will comply with these requirements.